What is Virtual RAM and how Samsung plans to make cellphones faster with RAM Plus features – News2IN

What is Virtual RAM and how Samsung plans to make cellphones faster with RAM Plus features

What is Virtual RAM and how Samsung plans to make cellphones faster with RAM Plus features
Written by news2in

Samsung is one of the main smartphone brands to adopt virtual RAM for smartphones through features called RAM Plus.
Now, the concept of virtual RAM is quite popular on a PC but for smartphones it functions a little different.
With other major brands such as Oppo, Xiaomi, Realme and Oneplus also consider virtual RAM on smartphones, we can hope to see this feature in more smartphone launches in 2022.
Samsung recently launched a new software update for the Galaxy A52S 5G that comes with RAM plus features or just facilitates virtual RAM.
With this, Galaxy A52S 5G users will get 4GB of virtual RAM.
This device is equipped with a 6GB RAM and 8GB RAM variant.
Now, with Extra 4GB virtual RAM, you might think that the device offers 10GB or 12GB RAM.
But that is not how virtual RAM in cellphone work.
What is Ramvirtual Virtual RAM is a technology that uses software to create small fractions of storage memory to support RAM or memory.
For starters, the 6GB RAM memory module is much faster than the 128GB storage module.
RAM or memory device helps in completing work but it’s volatile.
On the other hand, the purpose of storage is storing saved data.
So, if a brand offers 4GB virtual memory, this does not mean the actual RAM of your cellphone, which decides how fast the application operates on your mobile, has increased.
In fact, with virtual RAM, you cannot expect an increase in major performance at all.
On paper, it might sound like you get 6GB + 4GB RAM virtual RAM, which should make your cellphone faster than others.
But in reality the purpose of virtual RAM is different.
Just to make everything clear, the phone with 8GB of RAM will be more efficient and fast than the device with 6GB RAM + 4GB of virtual RAM.
What is the use of virtual RAM in Fonesthe the main purpose of having virtual RAM is making better memory management.
With the size of the application and game increases, having virtual RAM will help your cellphone to keep more open applications on RAM.
This means when you switch from one to another or when you multitasking, you will be able to continue from where you leave it for a longer period of time.
Usually, applications tend to restart even when you stay open in the background for a longer period of time.
This is because the volatile nature of the RAM module.
With virtual RAM, you can expect to return to typing on Google Documents after playing the game directly from the sentence where you left.
Virtual RAM will only increase multitasking but it will not help application open faster or game to load faster.

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