WhatsApp CEO wants Apple to do more about the privacy of iPhone users – News2IN

WhatsApp CEO wants Apple to do more about the privacy of iPhone users

WhatsApp CEO wants Apple to do more about the privacy of iPhone users
Written by news2in

Spyware Pegasus scandal has shaken many countries around the world, including India.
Government officials, senior political figures, journalists, activists – many have been targeted and their cellphones are ‘hacked’.
Apple iMessage has also been targeted and Apple comes out with a statement.
The WhaksApp CEO will Cathcart call Apple on this statement in an interview with The Guardian.
Cathcart talked about the scandal, “It must be a wake-up call for security on the internet …
cellphones are good safe for everyone or they are not safe for everyone.” Cathcart praised people like Microsoft and other technology companies because they talked about malware dangers and wanted Apple to do more.
“I hope Apple will start taking that approach too,” said the Guardian Cathcart.
“Be hard, join.
Not enough to say, most of our users don’t need to worry about this.
It’s not enough to say ‘Oh this is only thousands or tens of thousands of victims,” ​​Cathcart said.
What Ivan Krstić, the head of the Apple security engineering, said that the threat exists but the majority of Apple users are safe.
In a statement, KRSTI said, “Apple firmly condemned Cyberattack against journalists, human rights activists, and others who want to make the world a better place.
For more than a decade, Apple has led the industry in security innovation and as a result , security researchers agree iPhone is the safest, safest consumer mobile device in the market The majority of our users, we continue to work tirelessly to defend all our customers, and we constantly add new protection for their devices and data.
“Cathcart also told The Guardian,” If this affects journalists around the world, this affects defenders human assassation throughout the world, which affects us all.
And if anyone’s phone is not secured it means phone everyone is not safe.

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