When SRK talked about rebuilding Granddad’s house – News2IN

When SRK talked about rebuilding Granddad’s house

When SRK talked about rebuilding Granddad's house
Written by news2in

Hindi Superstar Film Shah Rukh Khan, The
King Khan is right, celebrating his 56th birthday today and all digital spaces are flooded with expectations of all angles.
Born and raised in Delhi, Shah Rukh Khan began his acting career with famous on television before fighting hard for the main glory as a film actor in Mumbai.
However, many will also realize His Bangalorie’s relationship maintained by his actor is quite close to his heart.
On the past several occasions, Shah Rukh Khan had talked about the days spent at Garden City as a toddler and how “lacking traffic” Bengaluru remained engraved in his mind forever.
His librarian, Mr.
Iftikhar Ahmed, is a major engineer in the city and the whole family, including SRK’s mother, even talking to Kannada while living in the city.
Remembering the city and time spent here, Shah Rukh Khan once revealed that the first photo he took, which was then sent to Mumbai for the film audition, was actually clicked on Bengaluru.
“I still have pictures with me,” said the star.
Read Alsomy Childhood Memory is about Bangalore: Shah Rukh Khan

Also, Shah Rukh Khan often talked about his grandparents at Nandidurga Road in Bengaluru where he spent the first 5-6 years in his life.
His grandparents had adopted him, so to speak, when his parents returned hard to meet their needs and # 18 in Nandidurga Road still had a special place in Burlywood Badshah’s life.
“I really want to rebuild a house in Nandidurga Road so I can come and stay there every now and then,” said Shah Rukh Khan back in 2015 during the interaction.

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