When Zeenat talked about his problematic marriage – News2IN

When Zeenat talked about his problematic marriage

When Zeenat talked about his problematic marriage
Written by news2in

Zeenat was safe to rule the heart as a leading Bollywood woman in the 70s and set a glamorous trend with persona on the screen.
And while he charmed millions of fans, in real life, the actress passed the problematic time.
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Years ago, Zeenat had opened about his marriage to Mazhar Khan.
He has recorded 12 years of his relationship with the actor at the Garewal Simi Chat event.
Zeenat was safe revealed that his mother truly opposed marriage but he decided to go ahead, “My biological clock was beating and I wanted to be a mother.
I want to raise your family and now I think Mazhar happens to be there at the right time.” Talking about Marriage During their decades, the actress has shared, “Mazhar never wants me to grow as an individual or as an artist.
He always wants me with children and is at home.
During the first year of the wedding I realized that I had made a big mistake, but I decided to live with it and make it work.
I tried to make it work for 12 years.
There was no light at the end of the tunnel for me.
There isn’t a happy moment or joy for 12 years.
But I am still trying to make it work.
“Zeenat and Mazhar have Two children.
In 1993, Zeenat Mazhar’s husband was detected with his pancreatic disease and the actress fought against all obstacles to him.
He has shared, “93-97 is a sustainable battle for me.
I really lived with him in the hospital for years.
From learning how to give an injection to how to do sanitary napkins, I did everything in my capacity alone.
I care for children My child, I care for my husband but no one takes care of me.
I’m sure there is no other woman who will survive in my situation too long.
But I hold Mazhar.
When the doctors in India gave up I took him to the best doctors abroad, and Finally in 1997 he was allowed to go home.
This 5 years I did not see day and night.
“In 1998, Mazhar Khan died of kidney failure.

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