Whistleblower just accused Facebook of Trealdinging: Report – News2IN

Whistleblower just accused Facebook of Trealdinging: Report

Whistleblower just accused Facebook of Trealdinging: Report
Written by news2in

San Francisco: The former Facebook worker was reported to the US authorities Friday the platform had placed profits before stopping problematic content, a few weeks after other reporters helped explain the latest crisis of the company with similar claims.
The new whistleblower which was not named filed a complaint to our Securities Financial Regulator and Exchange Commission which could add to the company’s misery, said a Washington Post report.
Facebook has faced a storm of criticism for the past month after the former Frances Haugen employee leaked an internal study that showed the company to know the potential loss triggered by the site, encouraged members of the US parliament to renew the urge for regulations.
In SEC complaints, the new Whistleblower told the alleged statement from 2017, when the company decided on how to deal with controversy related to Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election.
“This will be a flash in a pan.
Some legislators will be pissy.
And then in a few weeks they will move To something else.
Meanwhile we scored money in the basement, and we were fine, “Tucker members, a member of the Facebook Communication Team, was quoted as saying in the complaint saying, The Washington Post reported.
The second whistleblower signed a complaint on October 13, a week after a spicy testimony of Haugen before the Senate panel, according to the report.
Haugen told MPs that Facebook surpassed security, which made him leaked the rims from the study of the internal company supporting the burdensome Wall Street journal series.
The Washington Post reported the new Reporting SEC archiving claiming social media managers regularly contradict efforts to combat wrong information and other problematic content for fear of anger then US President Donald Trump or to turn off profitable users.
Erin McPike, a Facebook spokesman, said the article “Under the Washington Post, which for the past five years will only report stories after depth reporting with a resource that strengthens.” Facebook has faced Firestorms before controversy, but it has not been translated into a substantial new US law to regulate social media.

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