Who is behind the Taliban leadership – News2IN

Who is behind the Taliban leadership

Who is behind the Taliban leadership
Written by news2in

KABUL: The work and inner leadership of the Taliban movement was always covered in confidentiality, even during the Afghan administration from 1996 to 2001.
When the Islamic group Hardline seems to be on the verge of return, here is a slum from what is a little known about his leadership.
HaiBatullah Akhundzada was appointed as a Taliban leader in a rapid transition of power after the US drone strike killed his predecessor, Mullah Mansour Akhtar, in 2016.
Before raising the ranking of movement, Akhundzada was a religious leader who was low proprial.
He is widely believed to have been chosen to serve more as a spiritual figure than military commander.
After being appointed as the leader, Akhundzada secured the promise of loyalty from the head of Al-Qaeda Ayman Al-Zawahiri, who showered religious scholars with praise – called him “The Emir of the Faithful”.
This helped ensure the credentials of their jihadies with an old group allies.
Akhundzada was assigned to a big challenge to unite the militant movement which was briefly broken during the struggle of the bitter power after the murder of his predecessor, and revelation that the leadership had hidden the death of the founder of Taliban Mullah Omar for years.
Public profiles of leaders are mostly limited to the release of annual messages during Islamic vacations.
Abdul Ghani Baradar raised in Kandahar – the birthplace of the Taliban movement.
Like most Afghans, life Baradar forever changed by the Soviet invasion to the country in the late 1970s, turning it into rebels.
He is believed to have been fighting with side-by-team with Omar’s mullah-eyed scholars.
Both of them will continue to find the Taliban movement in the early 1990s amid chaos and corruption of civil war which erupted after the soviet withdrawal.
After the collapse of the Taliban in 2001, Baradar was believed to be among a small group of militants who approached the temporary leader Hamid Karzai with a letter outlining a potential agreement that would see militants who recognized the militants recognizing new administration.
Arrested in Pakistan in 2010, Baradar was stored in detention until the pressure from the United States saw him released in 2018 and moved to Qatar.
This was where he was appointed as the head of the Taliban political office and oversee the signing of the withdrawal agreement with America.
The famous commander of the anti-Soviet jihad, Jalaluddin Haqqani.
Sirajuddin multiplied as deputy leader of the Taliban movement while also leads to a strong Haqqani network.
The Haqqani network is a US-appointed terror group which has long been seen as one of the most dangerous factions who fought against Afghanistan and US-led NATO forces in Afghanistan over the past two decades.
This group is famous for the use of suicide bomans and is believed to have set several of the highest attacks in Kabul for years.
The network was also accused of killing officials on Afghanistan and holding westerners who were kidnapped for ransom – including US Bowe soldiers, released in 2014.
Known for their independence, battle battles, and smart business transactions, Haqqanis is believed to oversee operations.
In the coarse mountains in the East Afghanistan, holding on to the Taliban leadership council.
The Founder Son of Taliban Mullah Omar.
Mullah Yaqoob heads a strong group military commission, which oversees a large field commander network by carrying out the strategic operation of the rebellion in the war.
The genealogy and bond with his father – who enjoys the status like the cult as the Taliban leader – functions as a strong symbol and makes it a unifying figure of a broad movement.
But speculation remained full of the right role in the movement, with some analysts argued that his appointment in the role by 2020 was only cosmetics.

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