Why Australia says Novak Djokovic must go – News2IN

Why Australia says Novak Djokovic must go

Why Australia says Novak Djokovic must go
Written by news2in

MELBOURNE: The Australian Government said Novak Djokovic who was not vaccinated caused a “negligible risk” to infect people with Covid-19.
Alex Hawke’s immigration minister said he even loved assuming 34-year-old ACE tennis had entered Australia in line with the guidelines of vaccination.
He did not argue that Djokovic, who said he caught Covid-19 months ago, had medical reasons because he was not vaccinated, and admitted that he was “a good person and was known for his philanthropic efforts”.
Read Alsodjokovic back in detention because Australia canceled Vinovak Djokovic again detained in Australia Saturday, after the authorities tore his visa for the second time and stated that superstar tennis which was not considered to the public.
Court documents show that Serbia aged 34 years is currently being held at a address in Melbourne, as a appeal why Hawke said he canceled the Djokovic visa? And why did he want to deport the number one men’s tennis player in the world – the days before the Australian Open began Monday? Here are the main reasons for the minister given in written documents released by the hearing of the federal court on the appeal of Djokovic: * The presence of Djokovic in Australia “can grow anti-vaccination sentiment”, said Hawke, added that the player openly voiced his opposition to being vaccinated.
This can affect others so as not to vaccinate, or not get a booster shot, he argues.
* Djokovic has recognized a “assessment error” in a meeting with a journalist from French sports paper L’Equipe two days after the positive test of Covid-19 recorded on December 16.
If he lives in Australia, Ace Tennis May “Foster” Foster “Foster” Foster “Foster Ignore” for Covid-19 security guidelines after the positive test results, said Hawke.
* As a role model, Djokovic’s failure to comply with public health steps and unfavorable status can damage the management of Australian pandemic, said Hawke.
Not only can it encourage people to say health regulations, but also can cause “civil riots”, he said.
The Minister of Immigration quoted the “demonstration and protest” that has occurred in Australia “which may be a source of community transmission”.
* Statement about Australian Declaration Djokovic said he would not travel in 14 days before he flew to Melbourne, arriving at the end of January.
Actually, he traveled from Serbia to Spain in that period.
Djokovic said the error was carried out by his agent, who had admitted to the government that he had to be blamed.
Hawke said he considered Djokovic not breaking the law given the recognition of his agent, but after all he had “must be careful” with important documents.
However, the minister said he did not consider it a major factor, and he would make the same decision even if he did not take into account the declaration.
* Canceling the visa is likely to cause Djokovic and his family “emotional difficulties and troublesome”; hurt their reputation and finance; And prevent it from competing in the Australian Open, said Hawke.
But this is greater than the risk, the government believes he poses for the battle of Covid-19 Australia, the Minister said.
These risks regarding the “life and health preservation” of many Australians, said Hawke, when the health system is under “increasing tension” from a pandemic.

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