Why Facebook employees say no at payment of severance pay $ 64,000 – News2IN

Why Facebook employees say no at payment of severance pay $ 64,000

Sophie Zhang works as a data scientist on Facebook and its main task is to find out fake accounts that can affect elections throughout the world.
However, he was fired last year for poor performance and Facebook offered a $ 64,000 severance package (around Rs 45 Lakh).
While offering a severance package, Facebook reportedly wanted him to sign a non-suspected agreement.
In other words, if he took the money then he could not criticize Facebook or his employees in public.
According to a detailed interview from Zhang in MIT technology review, he wrote a memo detailing how he identified several countries, including India, Afghanistan, Mexico, among others, where through fake accounts of politicians can mislead people and get power.
He said that Facebook did not overcome the problem even though his efforts to take him to the company’s leadership.
After he was fired, he argued whether to write a memo or not.
“Maybe his last chance to create sufficient internal pressure on leadership to start taking problems seriously,” said the report.
That’s when he produced a $ 64,000 chance as a severance package because he wrote a memo that had spicy criticism and relevant to Facebook.
In further interviews, he once again reaffirmed the claim that Facebook did not do enough about the problem.
And it makes interfering in elections easier.
In a statement, Joe Osborne, a Facebook spokesman, loudly denied this claim.
“For countless press interviews he did since leaving Facebook, we fundamentally disagree with the characterization of Ms.
Zhang for our priority and efforts to eradicate harassment on our platform,” he said.

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