Why Rahul Gandhi demands state for Jammu and Kashmir but skip chapters 370 – News2IN

Why Rahul Gandhi demands state for Jammu and Kashmir but skip chapters 370

Why Rahul Gandhi demands state for Jammu and Kashmir but skip chapters 370
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who was on a two-day visit to Jammu and Kashmir, demanded on Tuesday full of full state recovery to the United States (UT).
However, in the process, he, like other responsible party leaders, avoided mentioning an article debated 370.
When inaugurating the new party office in Srinagar, Rahul Gandhi said Congress demanded full state recovery for Jammu and Kashmir and the resurrection of the democratic selection process there.
However, Rahul Gandhi did not say anything new.
What he sued was said by the leader of the Senior Party Ghulam Prophet Azad.
In fact, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Interior Minister Amit Shah have also repeatedly convinced to restore state in “the right time”.
Recently, Modi held a meeting of all parties in the National Capital in Jammu and Kashmir on June 24 where he assured the initial restrictions followed by the right selection of assemblies and states.
Furthermore, Ghulam Prophet Azad told Mediodperson on August 2, asking the central government to implement guarantees given by PM Modi and HM Shah to the leaders of Jammu and Kashmir in the “short term” because it would benefit the community.
He clearly referred to full state recovery and held elections after being thrown away at Jammu and Kashmir.
However, Azad also stopped from broaching the problem of article 370 or restoration.
In fact, the congress has so far away from taking a clear stance in Article 370 since it was canceled by Rajya Sabha on August 5, 2019.
This is probably due to the general perception believed to support the MODI government to move on the controversial article of the Constitution.
It took 24 hours to Rahul Gandhi to criticize the center to cancel the special status to Jammu and Kashmir.
On August 6, 2019, he tweeted and said, “National integration did not treat J & K, imprisoning selected representatives and violated our constitution.
The nation was made by the people, not an executive land plot.
Abuse of this executive power.
Have serious implications For our national security.
“On the same day, the highest decision-making agency Congress, the Congress Work Committee (CWC), adopted a resolution that opposed the” way “of the Modi government canceled Article 370.
The resolution,” CWC regretted unilateral, Brazil and the way What is truly undemocratic in which Article 370 constitution is canceled and the state of Jammu and Kashmir is cut into pieces with misinterpreting the provisions of the constitution.
Every principle of constitutional law, state rights, parliamentary procedures and democratic governance violated.
“Furthermore said article 370 conceived and made by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhai Patel and BR Ambedkar, D Ilf by N Gopalaswamy Iyari and VP Menon.
“Article 370 is the constitutional recognition of the provisions of the accession instrument between the state of Jammu & Kashmir and India.
It is suitable to be respected to amendment, after consulting with all parts of the people, and strictly in accordance with the Indian constitution.” The official Congress Stand in Article 370 remains as in 6 August 2019 until the senior party leader Digvijaya Singh created controversy with his statement.
In the Chat of Clubhouse, which leaked in June, he reportedly said: “The decision to revoke Article 370 and reduce the state of Jammu and Kashmir is a very sad decision.
And the Congress Party certainly must have a spectator to this problem.” This creates a big commotion.
Congress was forced to clarify its establishment on controversial problems.
Keeping away from Singh’s statement, the party asked its leaders to follow their official stands on the nullification of article 370.
Spokesman for Pawan Khera Congress said: “The Congress Party clearly expressed his position at Jammu and Kashmir, in August 6 resolution, in the Resolution of 2019, from the Working Committee Congress (CWC).
This is the only party’s official attitude.
I urge and ask all senior leaders to refer the same.
“Rahul Gandhi might have reaffirmed what Ghulam Prophet Azad, Narendra Modi and Amit Shah had said but he also circled the article 370 .

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