Why week 2 is very important in covid battles – News2IN

Why week 2 is very important in covid battles

Why week 2 is very important in covid battles
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Someone who suffers from Covid-19 requires hospitalization if the infection continues into the inflammatory phase.
This usually happens in the second week of the disease.
Medical intervention in this period can prevent a third of the deaths caused by the Coronavirus.
The doctor in AIIMS arrived at this conclusion after analyzing the factors responsible for critical illness in Covid patients recognized at the center of Jhajjar Institute between April and June.
The center, appointed Covid facility, acknowledged 2,080 covid patients in three months, of which 406 (20%) died.
Sushma Bhatnagar, Chairman of Covid, AIIMS, who is also the appropriate research writer, told TI that hospital receipts in the third or fourth week of disease increased the likelihood of Covid’s death.
Other risk factors include existing comorbidity and old age.
He added: “Vaccination and hospitalization in the second week of the disease reduce the possibility of death, respectively, 30% and 36%.” Dr.
Anant Mohan, Professor and Chief of Medicine, AIIMS, said the difference in the results between patients who recognized the second week versus the third possible because the former group was still in an active inflammatory stage when the body responded to steroids while in the three weeks, this disease might be too advanced to Respond to treatment.
“The results of the study show that patients who develop acute respiratory pressure syndrome (ARD) have very poor results, a pattern that is also established globally,” said Mohan.
Covid develops in three phases: initial infection, pulmonary phase and hyper-inflammatory phase.
While the initial phase seems to be caused by the virus itself (5-7 days), the next two phases are considered due to the inflammatory response (7-15 days from the beginning of the disease).
Mohan said early entering the hospital, especially during the inflammatory phase it could make a difference by reducing mortality.
In AIIMS studies, there were 1,067 patients who needed oxygen and from them 63% safe.
37% The remaining surrender requires several forms of oxygen therapy or mechanical ventilation.
Doctors say this reflects the severity of pneumonia and severe Ard Covid.
“More than 47% of patients have ARD because pneumonia caused by Covid.
Respiratory failure requires mechanical ventilation has a very bad prognosis with only 14% of those who receive non-invasive ventilation and 2% of those who receive invasive mechanical ventilation .
It was disappointing that nearly 86% of patients had to ventilate to death, “the researchers said in this study.
The presence of kidney dysfunction, regardless of the need for kidney replacement therapy, and hypotension is also independently related to increasing mortality.
The doctor emphasizes that vaccination can reduce the chances of decline or death in any increase in infection in the future.

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