Will be forced to close the operation if the fuel price remains high: truck driver – News2IN

Will be forced to close the operation if the fuel price remains high: truck driver

Written by news2in

Gurgaon: Transporter in the state has appealed to the government to make efforts to reduce fuel prices or they will be forced to turn off the operation, which will disrupt the supply chain.
“Diesel and gasoline prices create new benchmarks every day and lead to all inflation.
It has a negative impact on road transportation operations.
Small operators are steadily close the leaves of windows because they cannot meet the operating costs, emists and legal taxes,” said the Singh Atwal Cultaran , President All Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC).
“This is a great concern because the increase in fuel prices leads to the loss of large-scale livelihoods in the transportation sector.
There are so many people who depend on this sector,” he added.
Many operators say they have not even recovered from the losses that occur during locking before being beaten by soaring fuel prices again.
“The demand remains warm to the first half of this year.
Right when we start recovering from losses, skyrocketing fuel prices hit us again.
This has shot our operational costs and leave us with a little margin to operate.
The government has helped a large industrialist, but they must It becomes empathom towards us.
The big mismatch in the price of fuel in various countries also hurts a truck driver.
In some places, diesel costs around Rs 120 per liter, “said Bajrang Sharma, Vice President of all Haryana Truck and Transport Association.

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