Will Infosys be able to complete the tax portal disruption on September 15? – News2IN

Will Infosys be able to complete the tax portal disruption on September 15?

Will Infosys be able to complete the tax portal disruption on September 15?
Written by news2in

New Delhi: With the back limit of the archiving again, it will be infosys, technology vendors for income tax portals, can meet the September deadline set by Minister of Finance Nirmala Sitharaman to provide a hassle-free platform? Although the technology giant has not commented on this problem, government officials believe that considering many problems, it is a challenging task and CEO of Salil Parekh must actually get his actions together to fulfill the promise he gave to the Minister of Finance and his team on Monday.
“You fix a problem, something else arises.
There seems to be a fundamental shortage in the way it has been put together,” said the government’s source to TOI.
Another source said that during the weekend, the site was not available longer than anticipated.
While some problems have been marked, increasingly impatient comes from insinability of insin to respond adequately for the past two and a half months.
On Monday, Parekh was pulled after “called”, after the portal blackouts over the weekend.
By all accounts, company CEOs – now worth $ 100 billion – seems to be in Unave.
The minister was said to have underlined the importance of the government attached to the project and explained that infosys did not seem to understand the awesome situation.
Officials suggest that IT majors have not taken repeated requests from government officials seriously, resulting in what they describe as “less than adequate response” to clean the portal from obstacles.
Parekh was a little surprised when he was faced with a large media contingent waiting outside the North Block and the company, who planned to issue a statement after the meeting, had chosen to remain silent.
The government is located, however, hopes that for the next three weeks, Infosys will be more than redeeming its shortcomings, given the intense supervision, which will not be considered among companies which are their clients.
While the tax center board immediately refused to handle questions about how he failed to find problems before the launch of June 7, there was recognition in the government that infosys and officers who deal with well-known projects did not carry out the required level of testing the user interface.

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