Will rub their faces on the ground: anti-Taliban fighters vowed to protect Afghanistan – News2IN

Will rub their faces on the ground: anti-Taliban fighters vowed to protect Afghanistan

Will rub their faces on the ground: anti-Taliban fighters vowed to protect Afghanistan
Written by news2in

KABUL: Anti-Taliban fighters from Panjshir Province Afghanistan have vowed to fight the clothes, saying “We will rub their faces on the ground,” Local media reported.
“We will rub their faces on the ground,” one fighters stated from a point of view at Panjshir Heights, quoted a previous victory over the Taliban.
For other soldiers raised their hands and shouted, “said Allah O akbar”, said Khaama Press Afghanistan on Wednesday.
For a long time, fighters in Panjshir have prevented the arrest of foreign troops by firing heavy machine guns to the deep valley of the top of Mount Rocky.
This fighters comes from the National Resistance (NRF), which remains the strongest strength after the siege of Kabul by the Taliban.
The valley is located in the Hindu Mountains Kush, about 90 miles north of Kabul.
The Taliban cannot take this big rejection after steam across the pro-government forces in a matter of months.
In an effort to prevent the Taliban attack on their bastion, NRF has installed a nest of machine guns, mortar, and protected monitoring stations with sandbags, said the Khaama Afghanistan press.
NRF fighters patrolled in this region with Humvee made by US and take trucks with machine guns installed behind – many of them dressed in military fibers.
Taliban troops were reported to face the challenges of the local resistance forces in the Panjshir Valley led by Ahmad Massoud, the famous anti-Taliban Putra Ahmad Shah Massoud.
Previously, a former Russian emergency official told Sputnik in an interview that fighting fighters in the Panjshir Valley in North Afghanistan had the opportunity to maintain this strategic location against the Taliban.
“It does provide a solid footing.
You can send humanitarian aid there and give (resistance) some medical support.
Naturally can function as a strong point that can be maintained by former government,” Yuri Brazhnikov, who led Russian humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan 2001-2002, said.

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