Will work to protect the honor of every worker: new president JD (U) Lalan Singh – News2IN

Will work to protect the honor of every worker: new president JD (U) Lalan Singh

Will work to protect the honor of every worker: new president JD (U) Lalan Singh
Written by news2in

Patna: JD (U) The new national president was appointed Rajiv Ranjan Singh aka Lalan Singh said he would work to protect the prestige and honor (‘Maan-Samman’) of each party worker and also ensured that workers were given ‘adequate participation with Honor ‘in organizational work.
Singh was talking to JD (U) workers at the party headquarters in Patna during his first visit to the state capital following his elevation as the party’s national president.
He unanimously nominated as the National President JD (U) at the party’s national executive meeting held in New Delhi on July 31.
Since then, Singh is in the national capital as a member of Lok Sabha for Monsun – has attended the rainy season.
Parliament session.
“The work of the President’s party is to increase the moral of its workers and also increase the level of enthusiasm among them.
Being President JD (U), I want to convince you all who are ‘Maan-Samman’ (prestige and honor) of each worker will be protected and they are protected Will be given adequate participation with the honor of organizational activities, “Singh said while speaking in a program held to approve a warm welcome at a visit to the party’s office.
A large number of JD (U) leaders and workers gave a major speech to Singh after he reached the State Office on Friday afternoon.
Responding to his major speech, Singh said, “After observing the high level of enthusiasm among the workers, I am now convinced that the responsibility of strengthening the organization, the CM Nitish Kumar has been given to me, will be finished.” Singh further said that all JD (U) workers must take the promise they will take for all household information about all the development and other works executed during the 16-year-old Nitish Kumar CM regime.
Singh also convinced workers that whenever he was in Patna, he would be available in the State office from 12 noon and night and meeting each worker.
Welcoming the National President at the State Office of the Party, State President JD (U) Umesh Singh Kushwaha said that the party would touch the new height under the leadership capable of [P Lalan Singh.
Previously, a large number of workers gave a warm welcome to Lalan Singh when he landed at Patna Airport in the afternoon.
From the airport, a long coral vehicle followed him, when the party workers stopped him in a different place in the JD (U) office to their new national president’s garland.

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