Wind Network is damaged because the ventilator is repaired in a rare operation – News2IN

Wind Network is damaged because the ventilator is repaired in a rare operation

Wind Network is damaged because the ventilator is repaired in a rare operation
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Performing a rare procedure, the city doctor repaired 30-year trachea (WinPpipe) which has narrowed due to the use of ventilators.
The man, who came from Amravati, had previously been suggested by a doctor from the district to go to New Delhi for this special operation.
The patient had met with an accident and stored in a ventilator for about 13 days, posted what he developed a rare complication in his throat rod because of the use of ventilators.
The trachea was repaired in Nagpur on August 22.
The doctor conducts trachea resection with end to end anastomosis, the procedure for the resection of part of the trachea is followed by anastomosis to the end (connecting two structures).
Gopal Gurjar surgery experts conducted this rare process at the Cream Hospital under the Pulmonological Veteran Guidance Dr.
Ashok Arbat.
During the marathon operation, the throat stem section narrowed down 1cm was removed and the tip of the trachea joined together.
Needless to say, the process is done without interruption of respiration.
Winpipe is now intact and the young man is fine.
He breathes naturally now.
Gurjar said, “After recovering from the accident, the patient developed coughing and breathing difficulties “Tracheal stenosis is a condition in which the section of the throat stem is narrowed out due to intubation.
Previously, the doctor tried to clean the narrowing part of the trachea dilation with electrokoutery but provided temporary assistance.
The doctor from Amravati told him that the operation was the last medicine for this condition and it would be done in New Delhi.
The patient went to the Nagpur Crims Hospital in August.
The doctor there did bronchoscopy, which showed swelling, edema (swelling caused by fluid retention) and infection around the section of the throat.
Infection and edema are treated with antibiotics and patients called to be reviewed.
But during that time he developed severe respiratory problems and oxygen desaturation.
His family members took him again to the hospital, where narrowing of severe trachea was diagnosed about 5cm under his vocal strap.
“When the patient’s condition turns serious, we decide to do surgery,” said Dr.
According to Arbat, the use of ventilators sometimes causes such problems.
This complicated surgery is recommended only for young patients without comorbid conditions.
When the man was fit and young, he was dismissed at the fifth post-day operation.
When life support brings life in ventilator problems – considered life support – and artificial breathing saving many lives using it for a long time (13 days) developing narrow fillings on the throat stem in the patient’s wind as part of the wind pipe becomes narrow, breath becomes difficult For patients, it is impossible to open the Tunjing Tunjing counter war doctor who was narrowed to cut the blocked part and joined Windpipe to end with a rare and skilled surgical process, carried out in Nagpur just a few times

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