Winter will come: Battle mode to deal with bad air Delhi – News2IN

Winter will come: Battle mode to deal with bad air Delhi

Winter will come: Battle mode to deal with bad air Delhi
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Officials of the Delhi Polution Control Committee, Department of Environment and Forestry Department on Thursday met Minister of Environment Delhi Gopal Rai to display the draft plan of the winter action plan.
The minister, who held a press conference later, said the 10 main focus areas had been identified for the action plan and review of the review will be held on September 14 to see readiness for winter.
The plan is expected to be ready on September 30.
Rai said the plan would act as a catalyst in the Delhi government war against pollution and would help see various sectors that contributed to Delhi pollution.
“The Government of Kejriawal, with the support of Delhi, take concrete steps to overcome the increase in pollution levels.
In this prospect, we have started preparations for the winter action plan.
High-level review meetings are held with the Delhi pollution control committee, Department of Environment, Department of Development and officials of the forest department.
The main focus of this meeting is to put out an outline for the winter action plan.
We compile an outline that needs to remember the fields that require the main focus of the government.
“Rai said on Thursday.
The ten main focus areas identified included pollution from propeller propellers, vehicle pollution, dust pollution, open waste burning, pollution hotspots in Delhi and better coordination through war space in pollution and the Green Delhi application.
“Stainble burn pollution, vehicle pollution, dust pollution and waste burning greatly contributed to the increasing level of pollution.
These problems have been included as the first four points focus on the plan,” Rai further said, said the government would also work at the point of pollution .
“The government has set a smoke tower in certain hotspots as a pilot project.
We will study the performance of this tower and therefore build more towers wherever it is needed,” he added.
The Minister of Environment said the field of other concerns was coordination between countries, with discussions that would be held with other countries to improve air quality throughout the NCR.
“The pollution problem is not limited to Delhi Naturally will affect Delhi too.
Likewise, if something happens to Haryana, Rajasthan or up, it will also have an impact on Delhi.
A team will be united that will hold discussions with neighboring Delhi countries and discuss solutions with them, “Rai said,” said Rai Adding that the war room on pollution will be made more advanced.
“The Green Delhi application will also be updated,” he said.
On Tuesday, the DPCC has gathered feedback from experts and other stakeholders about the improvement of the draft action plan.
The suggestions provided also include heating distribution to construction workers and guards in winter.

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