With a 150k virus infection every day, US cases more than 10 times too high: Fauci – News2IN

With a 150k virus infection every day, US cases more than 10 times too high: Fauci

Written by news2in

Coronavirus infection is more than ten times higher than they need to end the pandemic, Anthony Fauci, a US infectious disease doctor, told Axios political news sites.
At present there are around 1,50,000 new infections a day in the US.
“It doesn’t even have good control,” said Dr.
Fauci to Axios.
He added, “In our size country, you cannot roam and have 1.00,000 infections a day.
You have to heal below 10,000 before you begin to feel comfortable.” The case rate fell to almost the level in June, when there were around 12,000 infections New per day, on average.
But that before a very contagious Delta variant spread widely throughout the country, causing large waves in cases and hospitalization, especially in the country with a low vaccination rate.

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