With a fake receipt, portal, gang looted driver in 6 states – News2IN

With a fake receipt, portal, gang looted driver in 6 states

Written by news2in

Agra: Geng is well organized, which allegedly staged into the government with hundreds of crores in the last three years by floating a fake website from the Department of Transportation and issued false tax revenues to commercial vehicles in the cyber border, has been captured by Cyber ​​cells in Agra.
All such taxes were collected from vehicles bagged by gangs.
So far, four members, including software engineers who host the fake website server, have been arrested.
Five associates escape.
This racket is spread in at least six states – Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, UPS, MP and Maharashtra.
In accordance with the police, the members used to publish false receipts from the fake website from the transportation department to commercial vehicles.
Fake reception is a replica of the original and commercial vehicle owners cannot distinguish it.
Si, the Cyber ​​Crime Police Station, Chetan Bhardwaj, told Toi, “Fake Website, http://cchandra.com, Operations Since 2018.
They produce false tax revenues that look similar to the acceptance of the Department of Transportation.” “The gang also issued a false receipt in Akshardham and the ashram in Delhi also because the entry was found on the data server,” he said.
“Super Admin” from the website and mastermind racket, Balseer, Palwal residents in Haryana, fled, he said.
The IGP (Range Agra) Naveen Arora told Tii, “acting on a complaint of a resident of Agra, it was found that the gang had arranged an examination post on the state border.
They collected taxes from vehicles and no one stored in the government treasury.”

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