Women live longer, but don’t have a healthier life – News2IN

Women live longer, but don’t have a healthier life

Women live longer, but don't have a healthier life
Written by news2in

Women in India can expect on average to live almost three years than men.
But when it comes to living a healthy life, the difference is almost disappearing.
The pattern of large gender differences in life expectancy but which is much smaller in healthy life is not unique to India.
Public health experts say this global phenomenon can be caused by worse access to health care and attention to health, especially among older women.
According to World Health Statistics Report 2021 released recently, globally, women can hope to live an average of five years longer than men, but when it comes to healthy life, the profit shrinks to less than half at 2.4 years , Data also shows that the global average differences between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy are around nine years, which means that even though life expectancy may be high, nine years will not be healthy.
Many health experts have expressed concern that health and medical research focuses excessively by extending age rather than living healthier by slowing aging to improve the quality of old age.
It’s most important in 30-odd countries that have 80 years or more life expectancy.
They witnessed a small increase in life expectancy in the 2012-19 period, but healthy life expectations remained stagnant or even decreased.
However, in less developed countries it is still struggling to increase life expectancy, improve life expectancy and in the hope of healthy life seems to compensate.
In fact, some countries have recorded a greater increase in healthy life than life expectancy.
Only in two countries, Oman and Afghanistan, whether men have a higher life expectancy than women.
But around a dozen other countries, men have healthy living hopes that are higher than women.
Most of these are also those who have bad gender equality.
Countries where differences in healthy life expectancy between men and women are narrower including India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, several sub-Saharan African countries and those in the Middle East.
“Women’s life expectancy is significantly higher than men, but this advantage is not translated to women who have a healthier life.
There are several reasons for this disparity, including the lack of access and decision making about their newly released health and autonomy.
Survey of aging India reveals the high prevalence of reproductive health problems among old women outside the age group of children.
Older women also have higher cardiovascular disease incidents and suffer bad nutritional status compared to their male colleagues, “explained Poonam Mutstreja , executive.
Director of the Indian population foundation.
Interestingly, in some of the most advanced countries with the highest life expectancy, such as Sweden, the Netherlands and Switzerland, the difference in the hopes of a healthy life between men and women is very lean than the difference in life expectancy.
It seems because they hit a kind of ceiling when it comes to healthy life, which seems to be around 71-72 years for both sexes.
Of the 30 countries on the table of life expectations, Japan, Singapore and South Korea themselves have a healthy life expectancy of more than 73.
The current life expectancy is increasing than healthy life expectancy, so morbidity (the average number of years of life in it is poor health ) Slowly expanding, appointing Guy Brown from the University of Cambridge in his paper entitled “Living Long” published in 2014 in the Journal of Embo Reports.
He urged the switch in the funding of medical research from the causes of death for the causes of aging and age-related morbidity.
“This effort is to reduce the gap between health expectancy and healthy life expectancy.
Over time, we can certainly reduce this gap even though the reduction rate will be slower.
But finally, there are limits how much you can expand healthy years,” explained Dr.
KS James, Director of the International Population Sciences.

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