Women return home for Diwali after a 6-mnth battle with Covid – News2IN

Women return home for Diwali after a 6-mnth battle with Covid

Women return home for Diwali after a 6-mnth battle with Covid
Written by news2in

Jaipur: After fighting the Covid-19 virus for almost six months in the hospital, a 49-year-old housewife Sonam from the city finally won the deadly infection and would spend diwali with her family at home.
His lungs are not only affected, he has also contracted a life-threatening fungal infection.
He has a HRCT score of 25/25 with a mediastinal puncture.
On May 4, he was treated at a private hospital with a severe Covid.
Two months later, he shifted to another hospital with a pneumonia related to the severe virus even though he had changed Covid negative.
He has a high oxygen requirement that can only be maintained through a high flow mask and bipap ventilator.
The ct’s chest shows fibrotic interstitial lung disease (ILD) along with pneumo-mediastinum or leaking air around the liver.
Even the 60-liter / minute oxygen flow is inadequate.
He is stored in a low pressure bipap setting with optimal antibiotic doses, steroids and supportive care.
He cannot remove the oxygen mask even to bite food and nutrients maintained through food pipes.
“There are many opportunities for future ventilator requirements.
When he has a significant air leak around his heart, placing it on the ventilator is further risk.
However, he gradually improved.
The oral diet continued,” said Dr.
Sheetu Singh, Director, Pulmonary Rehab Covid, in a private hospital.
After gradually transferring it from Bipap / HFNC to Mask Venturi and Nasal Prong, there was an increase but he still needed oxygen 4L / MNT.
The doctors then started lung rehabilitation which helped him out of the country of beds to move independently.
But when they do bronchoscopy, the report shows bacteria.
The problem was worse when he contracted a mushroom infection that threatened the lives.
“Right when we planned the discharge, oxygen needs soaring, coughing increased, CT chest showed a new cavity in the lungs and mushroom markers became positive.
He was given amphotericin amphodung for seven days.
Complications related to the drug managed,” said Dr.
For a long time, the oxygen requirements remain more than 10 L / MNT.
At a lot of time, doctors discuss the option of lung transplantation.
But then they start advanced chest rehabilitation.
With that, he showed signs of recovery.
He can now remove the oxygen mask for 10-15 minutes and the requirements have been reduced to 1L / MNT.
He can move alone, including going to the restroom.
After staying at the hospital for almost six months, he was dismissed from the hospital, just before Diwali, many pleasant families.

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