Women who work in every District Committee: Patole – News2IN

Women who work in every District Committee: Patole

Women who work in every District Committee: Patole
Written by news2in

Nagpur: MPCC President Nana Patole has announced that appointing a woman who works, the President will be appointed in every district Congress Committee to make women’s participation in politics more active.
Sakoli Mla said that the Congress Party always played an important role in bringing women into the main political stream.
Patole said that during the Congress government that the revolutionary decision to order 50% of seats in the local body selection for women was taken.
“Even now, the National Secretary General of the Priyanka Party Gandhi has made a pioneer decision to involve 40% of female candidates in the upper assembly selection and its implementation has begun.
He has set a new standard by entering 40% of female candidates in the first list.
He has created a slogan ‘Ladki Hoon, Lad Sakti Hoon ‘and has taken a big step to empower women, “Patole said.
The former speaker added to Maharashtra also has a long tradition to take steps towards women’s empowerment and therefore it was decided to appoint a female president in every district party committee.
“The decision was taken to increase the participation of women in politics and decision making at the local level.
The Congress Party always respects women and gives them the same opportunity.
Women leaders from the party have held important positions such as the Prime Minister, President and Governor.
We have a progressive tradition Providing important responsibilities for women in politics, “Patole said.

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