Women’s teachers accuse persecution with 2 principals, submitting complaints with SP – News2IN

Women’s teachers accuse persecution with 2 principals, submitting complaints with SP

Written by news2in

Chandrapur: A female teacher of the Ballapur Technology Institute (Bit) in Bamni has filed a complaint with supervisors who accused the persecution by two principals.
Bit management has denied allegations and is referred to as an effort to defame the image of the college.
In his complaint, the women’s teacher accused the principal, goje, and campus school principal, Rajnikant Mishra, from indecent behavior with him in place on October 6, he alleged that the duo tried to destroy his laptop and harass him, pulling it with his hand and tearing up his clothes.
The complainant teacher said that Ballarpur police did not pay attention to his complaints while “college management was also a blind eye”.
The president who worked at the Institute, Sanjay Wasade, claimed that the teacher felt offended after the main duo rebuked him in front of several staff because he did not hold the online class.
“He should approach the internal committee intended to overcome female staff abuse.
Instead he went to the police station.
After this problem was explained to the police, he officially filed a complaint with the college authority,” Wasade said.
According to Wasade, there are five witnesses about the incidents and their claims about baseless persecution.
“We are looking for an explanation from the two school principals and make them apologize for reprimanding him in front of other staff,” he said.
He claimed that the written complaint proposed by a female teacher with college management did not mention every major touch or abuse it.
“It seems like he has been amrid by someone and made a false claim to slander the Institute’s image,” he said.

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