WOOING France: Kamala Harris to meet Macron after the sub-spat – News2IN

WOOING France: Kamala Harris to meet Macron after the sub-spat

WOOING France: Kamala Harris to meet Macron after the sub-spat
Written by news2in

Paris: Kamala Harris respected the American War Alliance with France and met President Emmanuel Macron when he tried to smooth the ruffled French feathers after a diplomatic drama.
The US vice president paid homage on Wednesday to Americans who died in two World Wars and were buried in a grave facing the Paris horizon.
For a knock on the knock, Harris put a bouquet of flowers in their honor and met members of the US military service in Suresnes American Cemetery and Memorial.
Among the more than 1,500 tombs is that Inez Crittenden, World War I operator from Hometown Harris in Oakland.
Noting it is “one of the few jobs that women can have” at the time, Harris said, “We are very proud of his memory and service.” Crittenden died on the day of the ceasefire – November 11, 1918 – from pneumonia, may be caused by a pandemic of the era of flu.
Harris will attend the coloring of the battle day in France on Thursday.
But the important part of his journey was a meeting with Macron on Wednesday night, some of the efforts for weeks by Washington to improve relations with France, the oldest allied in America.
The As-France relations hit a historic low this year after the US-British submarine agreement with Australia rushed France’s contract to sell subs to the Australian Navy.
France was very angry because it was stored in the dark about the agreement, calling it “stabbed behind” from the US government who had painted himself as more respect for allies than under the presidency Donald Trump.
Late last month, President Joe Biden told Macron that the US had been “awkward” in dealing with this problem.
Harris and Macron are expected to discuss how to coordinate their efforts better in Indo-Pacific space, and global, space and others.

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