Ye Anti-Muslim Kya Hota Hai?: Najma Heplulla – News2IN
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Ye Anti-Muslim Kya Hota Hai?: Najma Heplulla

Ye Anti-Muslim Kya Hota Hai?: Najma Heplulla
Written by news2in

Governor Sikkim Ganga Prasad achieved Imphal on Thursday to take additional charges of Governor Manipur, said source.
Ad hoc settings have been made as Manipur Governor Najma Heptllasla, 81, are in leave for a long time for health reasons.
Najma Heptulla, a former member of Rajya Sabha Lima and his deputy for 16 years, was undergoing treatment for back pain in New York, USA.
Chancellor of the University of Jamia Millia, he spoke to Ti by telephone with various problems, ranging from the commotion in parliament, Mirabai Chanu from Manipur won a silver medal at the Tokyo Olympics which was recently concluded and the anti-Muslim slogan shouted at Delhi for him ongoing treatment .
Quotes from the interview: Chairman of Rajya Sabha M Venkaiiah Naidu on Wednesday broke down at home on the commotion created by several opposition parliamentarians, called their behavior as “blasphemy”.
What should you say about that? A similar incident has occurred when I was Deputy Chairperson of Rajya Sabha.
Shara Shankar Dayal, who is now the chairman also broke down.
He was also forced to comment on difficult behavior for several members.
It happened during the question and answer hours.
Next, I took over him and settled the house.
How can the commotion be controlled? Any advice? Parliamentarians may not behave in a difficult way to be arranged.
They must behave well.
However, the country suffers if the house process is disrupted because of their behavior.
Crores of Rupee was spent on holding parliament.
If the house is postponed because of the commotion created by parliamentarians, the country’s money wasted in vain.
Lose who it is? Even parliamentarians also citizens.
They must be aware of this.
The country should not suffer because of their behavior.
What should you say about the political situation in this country? The modi government runs effectively while the congress is destroyed.
A few days ago, some naughty people shouted anti-Muslim and inflammatory slogans in Mantar.
Some people were also arrested in this case.
What should you say about communal tension in this country? Ye Kya Hota Anti-Muslim? (What is this anti-Muslim?) Just like other routine problems.
How do you feel that Mirabai Chanu from Manipur – where are you governor – win the silver medal at the Tokyo Olympics? He is the first medal winner of India.
I am happy with his achievements even though I was not in India when he won the medal.
But I had already held the reception and invited him and Mary Ko before they went to Tokyo.
I have followed Mirabai for a long time and I can see the potential.
I know he will do something extraordinary.
He proved me right.
I was told that Governor Sikkim Ganga Prasad took over as Governor of Manipur.
Is your term finished? I have gone since July 22.
I initially left for 14 days.
I am in New York for the treatment of my back pain problem.
My daughter is a doctor here.
The hospital works specializing in pain reliever management.
All three of my daughters are in the US.
I thought I would recover in two weeks.
But I will take longer to recover.
Therefore, I have sent the second application to leave.
According to the rules, if the governor leave for more than 15 days, the other governor took over as a temporary arrangement.
In addition, a governor must stay present on independence day.
I will return to India soon even though my term as Manipur governor will end this month.

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