Youth stabbed dead in Adarsh Nagar Delhi – News2IN

Youth stabbed dead in Adarsh Nagar Delhi

Youth stabbed dead in Adarsh Nagar Delhi
Written by news2in

New Delhi: In the case of anger on the road, a 20-year-old young man was stabbed to death allegedly by six people in Northwest Delhi Nagar early on Thursday.
The young man intervened in the fight between his father and the defendant after his motorcycle passed their vehicle.
The six defendants have been arrested.
The deceased, Dev Priya, is a resident of Burari in North Delhi.
He pursued graduation from the Open Learning School of the University of Delhi.
The incident occurred around midnight when his father, Jaipal (45), returned home in his bicycle.
“Jaipal was drunk and crashed into the tempo and the car from behind when he reached Azadpur.
After a short argument, the car driver left the place.
However, the tempo and five mercy drivers, who were also drunk, began fighting with Jaipal,” said a senior police officer.
Feel that the situation was out of control, Jaipal called Dev for help and told him that the fight had broken because the motorcycle “touched” another vehicle.
Dev and his older brother, Pant Priya Sagar (21), immediately reached the location.
Sagar then told the police that their father told them that the defendant’s men had thrown a violation and struggled.
“The crowd immediately gathered there.
While some men hugged my father, two other people tried to drag dev in the gate of the quarter mcd staff.
A man also struggled me.
He tried to push my father, but when I caught his bag, he pushed us And escape.
When I started looking for my sister, I saw three men holding it, while two other people stabbed him, “Sagar said in his statement to the police.
DCP (Northwest) Usha Rangnani said PCR received a call at around 12:30 a.m.
reported a fight in Azadpur.
“A team arrived there and rushed an Dev who was injured to Babu Memorial Hospital Jagjivan Ram.
When his condition deteriorated, he shifted to Fortis Hospital, where he died during treatment.
The murder case was later registered with Sagar’s complaint,” he added.
Rangnani said the tempo was tracked after scanning the CCTV supply from the place.
“After local supervision and intelligence, we arrested all six accused within five hours.
They have been identified as Sahil (25), Annu (21), Devender (18), Satyave (18), Aakash (18) and Anurag (19) .
Two knives used to attack Dev have been confiscated from them, “DCP added.

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