YTL farmers died poisoning pesticides, first to dist the 4 years – News2IN

YTL farmers died poisoning pesticides, first to dist the 4 years

Written by news2in

Yavatmal: District reported the first death due to pesticide poisoning in four years after a 42-year-old farmer from Vamoli Khedi Village at Mahagaon Tehsil died on Friday night.
The deceased, identified as Vinod Masram Chavan, has sprayed pesticides on its farm where cotton plants are very full of pink bollworms.
This is Leamt, he fainted after spraying pesticides over five acres of agriculture until 4pm.
Chavan allegedly sprayed Nuvacron, who was Dr.
Pramod Yadgirwar, a senior scientist with PDKV, Akola, is now posted in Yavatmal, the word is limited pesticides in Yavatmal since 2020.
“Allowed in the nearby Telangana state.
It was smuggled to Yavatmal and sold to farmers,” said Dr.
The villagers flowed to the government medical hospital in Yavatmal but he breathed his last breath.
Confirming death, Dean Dr.
Milind Kamble said that Chavan was taken dead when he was received at 8:45.
“The body was handed over to Kin next on Saturday after post-mortem whose report was awaited,” he said.
Dean did not realize this problem until Ti contacted him on Saturday night.
Amol Yedge District collector, who visited Mahagaon on Thursday, could not be contacted.
RDC LaldomMumar Warhade is also not available to comment.
Toi has reported 23 deaths due to the position of pesticides while more than 1,000 have been affected in the Yavatmal District between September 2017 and December 2017.
The state minister of institutions for homes, Hansraj AHIR, have visited GMC and several families in this district at the command of the prime minister.
Chavan survived his wife and four children – Aniket, Goals and Nandini and a married daughter.
The last rite was held in the village.
Studied, there were no officers from the administration who visited a family that grieved even after 24 hours.
President of the Shetkari Sanghatana District Unit, Manish Jadhav, on August 3, has told the Minister of Agriculture through the district collector regarding the vast attack of Bollworm Pink on cotton plants.
Jadhav has warned administrative and state government from “threats from the use of pesticides sold by immoral Krushi Krasras right under the nose of agricultural officers”.

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