16-year-old girl raped by coworkers at a coffee shop – News2IN
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16-year-old girl raped by coworkers at a coffee shop

Written by news2in

Surat: A 16-year-old girl who works at a plastic bag making plant in Salabatpura along with her mother, allegedly raped by a colleague who lured her to the coffee shop.
This incident followed the lid on the heel of another rape incident from a 15-year-old girl who was also suspected of being raped in a coffee shop in Sarthana a few days ago.
According to the police, small life with his mother in the Limbayat area.
About 20 days ago, he joined a plastic bag making plant in Salabatpura where his mother had worked.
On the first day it himself, accusing Nikhil began to make progress to him, but after a tight instruction from his mother not to talk to anyone without working, he stopped talking to him.
However, the police said that Nikhil was persistent and on January 3, he offered to take him to the coffee shop at lunch all at 2 pm.
Along with two colleagues, Anil and Sonal, they all went to Valentine’s coffee shop in the Mithi Khadi area where he thought he took him to the cabin near the shop and forced him to have food.
After this he lost consciousness and Nikhil raped him in the cabin.
After the incident, he returned to the factory with Sonal, while Nikhil and annealed elsewhere.
His mother watched blood stains in his dress and asked his daughter at work, but he lied.
The next day, he demanded his daughter to tell the truth when the girl told the incident.
The woman took her girl to the Salabatpura police station where complaints of rape was submitted against Nikhil.
According to complaints, the defendant took advantage of his unconsciousness and raped him twice.
The police have registered a violation being investigating.

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