17 killed, 41 injuries throughout the city open shooting in Kabul: Report – News2IN

17 killed, 41 injuries throughout the city open shooting in Kabul: Report

17 killed, 41 injuries throughout the city open shooting in Kabul: Report
Written by news2in

New Delhi: A total of 17 bodies and 41 injured people were transferred to emergency hospital facilities in Kabul on Friday night with losses caused by fireplings in the air, Tolo News reported.
According to the report, Taliban fighters fired their weapons yesterday, in the celebration after receiving unconfirmed reports that Panjshir province had fallen on their troops on Friday.
“Celebration celebrations” were heard in Kabul in the midst of reporting the situation at Panjshir Valley where Taliban fighters against rival forces to control the final of the Afghan final retainer, Tolo News reported.
The Afghan crisis: Langungungring renewal to certain media reports, more than 300 warriors from both parties have lost their lives during the battle for the past few days.
Yesterday, the Taliban claimed that the province had fallen.
However, the North Resistance Front has denied claims by the Taliban.
Read Alsopanjshir Resistance Forces rejected Taliban’s claims about the strength of Advancesthe resistance in Panjshir Province on Saturday rejecting the Taliban claiming that their troops entered the Panjshir Province of various directions.
Supporters of Ahmad Massoud rejected the Taliban’s increase in claims to Panjshir and said no one entered the province, reported Tolo news.
“Panjshir conquest news circulated in Pakistani media.
This is a lie, which led the rebels.
The capital of Kabul fell to the Taliban on August 15, pushing a chaotic and deadly way, which was completed on Monday midnight with the last American army who rose abroad .
Read the fight Alsofierce in Panjshir; Good Taliban, Resistance claims ‘Upper’ Fate Panjshir Valley Afghanistan – final shelter against the control of the Taliban – hangs in the balance as heavy fighting continues.
Even when the Taliban claimed that it had taken “full control” of Afghanistan with a catch Panjshir, the fight fighters they struggle a difficult and uncertain future under the Taliban, who Return has sent fear through the media.
(With input from agency)

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