’26 International passengers under the watch ‘ – News2IN
Uncategorized Vadodara

’26 International passengers under the watch ‘

'26 International passengers under the watch '
Written by news2in

Vadodara: After the threat of Omicron Covdi-19 variant, Vadodara District Health Officials maintained close alertness to international passenger movements.
On Monday, 64 international passengers arrived at Vadodara took the number of passengers from high countries and other countries to 246.
“About 15 of them came from eleven countries that have been declared as high-risk countries.
These include five derived from the countryside Vadodara, seven of Karjan and three of Waghodiya, “said Dr.
Surendra Jain, Head of the Vadodara District Health District.
In total, 26 passengers from high-risk countries have come to the district.
“According to the SOP, our medical officer team traced them all.
They have arrived with the negative reports of Covid-19 and asked to go directly to house isolation for a week.
Our team visited their residence again at the end of the week and they were asked to undergo a repetition.
If They tested negatively, they were asked to continue their house isolation for another week, “he said.
At present, there are ten of those who are under the quarantine of the house, 15 other people tracked while one of them has returned to London.
“None of them have tested positive Covid-19 so far,” he said.

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