46,000 seconds KK Desert Kutch is a green landscape, say geologist – News2IN
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46,000 seconds KK Desert Kutch is a green landscape, say geologist

46,000 seconds KK Desert Kutch is a green landscape, say geologist
Written by news2in

Rajkot: Arid Kutch Region, serving nearly 46,000 square kilometers and the largest district in India, formerly blooming with green landscapes and fertile green forests.
The fact that is difficult to believe in this desert area has been revealed in a complete study conducted by the famous Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) (PRL) and the Geology Department of the University of Kutch.
Geologists and scientists commercialize the oldest sediment stored in the River Bhukhi and Nirona and found that the monsoon was abundant, not only at Kutch but throughout West India, has resulted in massive green plants in Kutch thousands of years ago.
This study has been published in the Journal of Union International for quarterly research rather than the effects of climate change struck and the entire region turns into a wilderness that lights up with a little or quite a lot of oasis bags.
This study has been published in a well-known fluvial sediment, is an accurate water indicator and a strong phase of the Monsun and the same thing studied in the second basin of this river.
The researchers said in 20,000 years before 1.10,000 years to 90,000 years since today, Kutk was blessed with rain prizes.
This research is the analysis of sediments, kronometric and geochemicals from the order of fluvial terraces from Nirona and Bhukhi River Basins used to interpret Southwest Monsun.
Human civilization for thousands of years and ecosystem depends on this fluvial system.
“The Ephemeral Fluvial System in the Dendahan Kutch region is vulnerable to climate fluctuations.
Increasing the intensity of the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) is responsible for the embradation of sediment as a deposit of filling valleys in river basins.
Sediment record shows an increase in ISM precipitation of 110 thousand years to 90 thousand years Antarstradional stage, “study.
Subhash Bhandari, one of the authors of this paper and head of the Archaeological Department of the University of Kutch, said “The strongest Monsone is 20,000 years between 1,10,000 years and 90,000 years since now at Kutch.
After this period, the Monsun began to weaken and gradually deteriorated.” The arid climate, sediment in a river basin is exposed and the dates are accurate by various geological studies.
“Our findings clearly show that there are many greenery and pastures that develop at the time and nothing like drought.
The rivers are full and throw a lot of sediments during that time we have to learn,” Bhandari explained.
Talking about the importance of these findings, scientists say that data can be extrapolated to predict the future climate and its influence for years.
Bhandari said, “This data can be useful for predicting long-term monsoon behavior.
It varies as a weak and strong monsoon and we have more data as far as the rainy season conditions behave and based on that we can estimate our predictions for the future for the condition of the monsoon.

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