55 positive tests at the Hearia train station, admin failed to track it – News2IN
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55 positive tests at the Hearia train station, admin failed to track it

Written by news2in

Ranchi: In a new revival of Covid-19 cases in the state, 55 samples were collected at the Hearia train station which was positively tested on Saturday.
Positive tested samples are passengers who have arrived in the state capital of other states on the train.
However, administration has not been able to track infected patients and get it in the center of isolation.
According to official figures, the sample of 1,508 passengers who had arrived in Hata in the last two days was collected at which 754 was tested with a fast antigen testing kit, while 754 via RT-PCR.
The State Integrated Disease Supervision Program (IDSP) said that they detected a total of 40 cases throughout the state on Friday and 55 at the Hatia Station on Saturdays and local governments had been directed to track positive patients immediately and shift them to the nearest isolation center.
“In accordance with my information, 55 samples collected at the Hearia train station are positively tested and we have asked the local government to track them earliest and get their main contact tested immediately,” said Head of the State IDSP Dr.
V Basad.
However, when Tii contacted the Covid-19 hospital in the city, only two patients were accepted there.
Ranchi SDO Deepak Dubey did not respond to a call.
A senior official, with anonymous requirements, said that they collected personal information relating to those who had been tested positively and they would immediately divert the hospital.
Toi also contacted two patients who had been tested positively on Friday and they said they were at home and they had not shifted to the hospital.
“I have received my test reports on Saturday morning and have been told to stay in the room.
I came from Pune and arrived at the Hearia train station on Thursday,” said a 28-year-old man from the Chatra District.
Other women aged fortunies and residents of the Jagganathpur area said, “I came from Odisha and arrived here on Thursday.
I have received four calls until now about my test reports but no one asked me to be accepted at the hospital.” Experts Has warned an increase in cases in the coming weeks quoted the migration of people from various parts of the country for Diwali and Chhath Puja.
“The case will increase in the next two weeks because people will return home for celebrations of various parts of the country.
We need to take strict steps at the point of out and enter so that people can be tested immediately after their arrival,” said the Public Health and Professor said Public medicine in Rims, Dr.
Dewesh Kumar.

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