5K Pornography Cases Children are disappointed with SOG in Raj – News2IN
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5K Pornography Cases Children are disappointed with SOG in Raj

5K Pornography Cases Children are disappointed with SOG in Raj
Written by news2in

Jaipur: National central for lost and exploited children, a non-profit organization based in the US, has shared information about 22,000 child pornography incidents from Rajasthan with state officials.
After this, investigations have begun in around 5,000 serious cases.
About 22,000 Instance of the Crime has been recorded for one and a half years.
The State Special Operations Group (SOG) recently arrested one person from Jaipur to download child pornography.
This is one of the incidents distributed by the US organization with the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), which sent data to state officials.
These videos and photos are being downloaded for the purposes of watching and officials have not found evidence of monetary exchanges for the same thing.
The State Commission has expressed concern for this issue and is likely to look for details of the investigation body.
Speaking of complaints and investigations, ADG SOG & ASHOK RATHORE said, “We have received complaints on child pornography sites visited by violators.
We filter information, and based on this analysis, we will share the same for further legal action by the Regency .
“” In this case, we will also tell them how to continue receiving this input, “he added.
More than a week ago, a 22-year-old man was arrested from the Kalwar Jaipur area to share children’s pornography on social media.
Sajjan Kanwar Inspector, Cyber ​​Crime Police Station, SOG, who arrested the defendant, said, “In this case, we find the IP address and other technical details that direct us to the man.
We have now started through other complaints too.
Of 22,000 Instance, there are around 5,000 serious cases that we have started to do.
There are also examples when someone has posted videos or photos of their own children without hidden intentions.
So, we must carefully check the details to find the actual used for pornography.
“Complaints Older than one year is difficult to investigate because the technical details needed are not available.
“Until now there are no traces of money exchanged.
We follow the chain upload videos / this image and download the same.
People who are arrested in these cases will be ordered under it acting and if needed then under the Pocso Law,” said Kanwar.
Meanwhile, the State Child Commission also gathered information to raise awareness about cyber crime against children.

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