Rape is not infrequently, unable to be assisted: Minister of Karnataka Umesh Kattti – News2IN

Rape is not infrequently, unable to be assisted: Minister of Karnataka Umesh Kattti

Rape is not infrequently, unable to be assisted: Minister of Karnataka Umesh Kattti
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: Apart from the BOMMAI Minister of the Minister of Home Affairs Araga Araga Jnanendra commented outside the line, Senior Minister BJP Umesh Katti said the rape and other crimes against women “not infrequently” and “could not be helped”.
Katti said that cruel crime as it should not happen but added that there was “nothing to do anyone about them”.
Overcoming reporters in G gawan in the district of Chamarajanagar, he said the minister at home would take questions about the incident: “I don’t care about it because I’m not a minister of house”.
The six men who held a MBA student at Foothills Chamundi three days ago were in their 20s and demanded Rs 3 Lakh not to make public videos about the attack, Survivor’s classmates told the police in his statement on Friday.
Based on his observations, the police have compiled a sketch that is accused and collects the TKP details.
Three days after the 22-year-old student from Mumbai was attacked, the police had not identified the perpetrators.
Interior Minister Araga Jnanendra, who visited a crime and reviewing the progress of the investigation on Friday, said investigations on and five police teams had been formed for hunting suspects.
There is no arrest that has been made so far.
When the rape victim was still surprised, the police said they were looking for details from his friend who accompanied him to a remote place in the Lalithadri layout on the night of August 24.
The police viewed criminal elements in neighboring countries as well when the classmate said they did not speak local language.
“The bottle of liquor that we recover in the crime scene also belongs to a different state,” said an investigative officer.
Survivor’s classmate, a local, was studied to tell the police that all the defendants seemed to be between 25 and 30 years old.
“After class, around 7:30 p.m., we rode a bicycle.
Then, we walked on Kuchcha road which I was quite familiar because I was JOG there.
Suddenly six men came and surrounded us and began to attack us,” said The police source quoted it.

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