There is no intelligence failure by police : home min – News2IN

There is no intelligence failure by police : home min

There is no intelligence failure by police : home min
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Interior Minister Dilip Walse Patil on Wednesday said that there was no failure of intelligence by Maharashtra and that one of the suspicions of terrorists, who had been captured by police Delhi, was under the country’s police wrote.
Police specifically Delhi on Tuesday destroyed a terror module organized with Pakistan with the arrest of six people, including two-co-trained terrorists, officials previously said, adding that terrorists were suspected of planning several explosions throughout the country, including Delhi, Uttar.
Pradesh and Maharashtra, during the Ganesh Chaturthi Festival, Navratri and Ramlela.
Read Alsomaharashtra: Devendra Fadnivis raised the worries of salvation after the terror of the suspect ‘Chairman of the opposition party Devendra Fadnivis gathered concerns over salvation after six suspects, was accused of planning a terrorist attack in Maharashtra, Delhi, and Uttar Pradesh during the upcoming festival season, Nabbed talked to reporters City on Wednesday, Walse Patil said that Shaikh, also known as ‘Samer Kalia’, came from the Dharavi area (in Mumbai) and according to criminal records, he was ordered for several local crimes in 2001.
“Like other criminals, he was also watched By the state police.
There are no questions about the failure of the state intelligence here, “said Minister.
Read the AlSoterror Module: Delhi Police, IB Start Interrogation 6 Suspecta Police Official Delhi and Intelligence Bureau (IB) has begun interrogation of six people, allegedly planning to carry out terrorist activities in the country.
“Because of the sensitivity of this problem, I cannot reveal all the details related to this case, but I can tell you that the suspect is watching.
There is no failure to the part of the state police.
This is also not embarrassing for our police,” he said.
Asked whether Delhi police told Maharashtra police before making arrests, the Minister said, “several times, when there was no solid information, the police one country visited another country and sometimes also arrested the local police.
Saying even Maharashtra police arrested several people from Delhi Dua Last day.
They were not related to this case, but it was a general practice followed by police forces from various countries, he added.
– With input from PTIREAD Alsodelhi: On Terror Trail, Sleuth focus on campsites in Pakistan.
Investigating into the module The Terror of the contents captured by the Delhi Police Intelligence and Cell Bureau is now focused on training camps in Thatta, Pakistan, which was previously used by special Pakistani service groups and shadows.
Intelligence between services to train Ajmal Kasab

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