The world leader falls in New York despite a pandemic – News2IN

The world leader falls in New York despite a pandemic

New York: About 100 world leaders fall in New York next week in returning a portion of the annual UN extravaganza even though there are concerns of Covid, with the progress that is sought to reduce global problems – starting with a pandemic.
The UN General Assembly will also see to build a momentum to reach an ambitious climate agreement and seek unity after the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, in the shadows of high tensions between the United States and China.
“We need to rebuild trust.
The current geopolitical division in the world is an obstacle,” said Secretary General Antonio Guterres ahead of the summit.
The world is “really in a very dangerous situation,” he said.
“We need to sound alarms to wake political leaders.” US President Joe Biden will discuss the General Assembly for the first time on Tuesday and one day will hold a virtual summit in Covid-19 because he tried to show US leadership in the vaccine.
With a Delta variant triggered a surge in new infection, Guterres warned that the world was “towards the wrong direction in all fields” on a pandemic.
“It’s really unacceptable that there are countries where 80 percent of populations are vaccinated and some where two percent are vaccinated,” he said.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will come to New York on Monday to seek actions in the climate ahead of the United Nations Conference in Glasgow in November due to severe temperature and weather rising to a surprising level.
Other world leaders who will attend include Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett, who like Biden will make his first appearance.
The United States dropped the country from visiting and asked for a delegation to be small as a way to fight Covid-19.
French President Emmanuel Macron, the presence of the UN who often occurs, will be among leaders who quote Covid’s concern to send videos previously recorded.
“We are worried about the UN event as a super spreader,” Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US Ambassador to the United Nations, told reporters.
“Leaders must be responsible, and they must be responsible for their actions.” A leader who did not reduce the guide was President Jair Bolsonaro from Brazil, which tradition was the first country to speak.
A distant leader said he planned to come to New York even though he was not vaccinated against Covid-19, opposed the authority of New York City who wanted everyone to present evidence of vaccination.
Guterres defended a UN record, which quickly went most of the virtual last year at the beginning of the pandemic who had claimed more than 4.5 million people throughout the world.
“I am very proud, this has never been the center of Covid deployment and I hope it will remain so,” Guterres said.
But a UN official said in anonymous condition: “Everyone worries it will become a circus.” “Big nations will not meet each other.
That’s a small one who came to see a big one,” the official said.
Russia and China, members of the Veto Security Council, did not even send their foreign minister.
Richard Gowan, who followed the United Nations at the International Crisis Group, said that the two strengths also sent messages.
“Chinese and Russian will not invest a large number in this General Assembly, it is possible to show that they are not really disturbed by the arrival of Biden,” he said.
Biden, accelerating efforts under his predecessor Donald Trump, has identified China which increased as a concern for the United States in the 21st century.
Vowed to focus on greater challenges to prove the democratic model, Biden has been looking good to invest a lot at home and withdraw the last US forces from Afghanistan in August.
Taliban Swift Takeover will be the main topic of discussion at the United Nations, with Western forces suppressing recognition and seeking to see the record of the footprint of Islamists about concerns, such as women’s rights.
Afghanistan remained represented at the United Nations by the Government of Ashraf Ghani who fell on August 15.
The United Nations Ambassador from Myanmar and Guinea also remained in his place despite military takeover, with Myanmar’s envoy with a five-month junta.
Afghanistan, Myanmar and Guinea were all scheduled to speak on September 27, the last day of the General Assembly, with the possibility they finally spoke in front of a blank seat.

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