MAN dumps 4 girls become water tanks, try suicide – News2IN
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MAN dumps 4 girls become water tanks, try suicide

MAN dumps 4 girls become water tanks, try suicide
Written by news2in

Barmer: A 30-year-old man tried to commit suicide after throwing four small daughters at a water tank in the Barmer District Rajasthan on Saturday, police said, added all the sank girls.
The incident occurred in the village of Poshala at around 1pm when Purkha Ram gave poison to his daughter – Ziyo (9), Noji (seven), despised (three) and late one and a half years old.
He threw them into the water tank in 13 feet outside his house and then he fell into it, said Station House Officer (SHO) Oomphachash.
His neighbors saw him jump and they told the police, the officer said.
“The four girls sank in the tank.
Their bodies shifted to the morgue at the nearest hospital while Purkha Ram was received at the district hospital.
The body was handed over to the family after postmortem,” he said.
The main investigation revealed that he was depressed when his wife died of Covid-19 about five months ago.
He wants to marry his brother-in-law so his daughter can have a mother but her in-laws disagree, he said.

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