In the war, 16 million Yemen ‘lined up’ towards hunger: the United Nations – News2IN
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In the war, 16 million Yemen ‘lined up’ towards hunger: the United Nations

In the war, 16 million Yemen 'lined up' towards hunger: the United Nations
Written by news2in

The United Nations: Head of the United Nations Food Agency warned that 16 million people in Yemen “marched towards hunger” and said food rations for millions of countries in a war-hit country would be deducted in October unless new funding arrived.
David Beasley said on Wednesday at the Yemeni Humanitarian Crisis meeting that the United States, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and other donors stepped out when the world food program ran out of money this year and “so we avoid hunger and disaster.” WFP runs out of money.
Again, he said, and without new funding, reducing rations will be made for 3.2 million people in October and for 5 million in December.
At the virtual pledging conference which was hosted by Sweden and Switzerland on March 1, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres appealed $ 3.85 billion for Yemen this year.
But the donor promised less than half a number – $ 1.7 billion, called the UN head “disappointing.” In the past six months, the total has developed to more than half the amount needed.
Wednesday’s meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly’s annual leader meeting collected around $ 600 million, according to the European Union, which is the host with Swedish and Swiss sessions.
It still leaves at least $ 1 billion not funded.
In a large promise, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced an additional $ 290 million in humanitarian assistance for Yemen and the European Union said that it allocated an additional 119 million euros (around $ 139 million) in humanitarian assistance and development.
Yemeni Director for Oxfam’s charity, Muhsin Siddiquey, praised the donors who made promises and expressed expectations of funds would be available quickly to help the organization.
“However, once again some of the international donors generously put their hands in their pocket while the whole world was seen when Yemen dropped further into hunger, poverty and a brighter future,” he said.
Yemen has fought civil war since 2014, when Houthi rebels supported by Iran took control of Sanaa’s capital and most of the northern part of the country, forced the government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi to escape south, then Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi-LED coalition entered the war in March 2015, which was supported by the United States, to try to restore Hadi to power, and threw his support behind his internationally supported government.
Although non-stop air campaigns and battle of land, the war most deteriorated to be deadlocked and caused a humanitarian crisis.
The US has since suspended direct involvement in conflict.
“We need this war to end, number one,” WFP Beasley said.
“And if the donor is getting tired – well, end the war.” He urged world leaders to put pressure on all parties to end the suffering of Yemurans who saw their currency, Riyal, Devalue and the price of food surge.
“They don’t have a coping capacity,” Beasley said.
“They don’t have money left to buy anything.
This is a broken heart.
That’s really.” Henrietta Fore, head of the children’s agency u.n.
UNICEF, said 11.3 million Yemeni children need humanitarian assistance to survive, “2.3 million children under five years are malnourished and nearly 400,000 of them suffering from severe acute malnutrition are at risk of death.” “In Yemen, one child dies every 10 minutes from the causes that can be prevented, including malnutrition and disease that can be prevented by vaccines,” he said.
Janez Lencic, the European Union Commissioner for the management of the crisis, which calls for the parties to fight to provide humanitarian access that is not limited and enables domestic food and fuel, saying humanitarian needs “never happened before and increases.” US Secretary Urges Donors to fulfill their promises as soon as possible and urge other countries “to help fill important funds.” Blinken said the United States remained committed to the UN efforts to end the war and urged all parties to take advantage of the opportunity to reach peace in Yemen.

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