Members of the road safety board criticize the country – News2IN
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Members of the road safety board criticize the country

Written by news2in

ThiruvananThapuram: Member of the National Road Safety Council (NRSC) Kamal Soi, in the city today, said on Thursday that he did not understand why the state government here delay the implementation of the high security registration scheme (HSRP) which ignored orders by the Supreme Court and The Ministry of Transport and Highway issued in 2018.
Overcoming a press conference here on Thursday, he said that the reluctance of the state to accelerate with other countries in terms of using the latest technology is not in accordance with the country’s image to become one with a high level of literacy and education.
Soi said that there are many benefits for HSRP.
This will help maintain vehicle security and identify vehicles if an accident or damage occurs.
Number coatings are written in chromium plating, and hence, it will be easy to track the numbers even at night.
If the vehicle caught fire in an accident, or abandoned, it’s easy to get the details of the owner.
The plate number plate of high security registration has smart features that allow them to take details of the vehicle burned during the accident or deliberately burning, he said.
Soi said that when the cruel crime rate increased at a fast speed, a scheme like HSRP would allow law enforcement to track and catch the perpetrators quickly.
He said that Kerala was the only country in a country that had not implemented a fully scheme.
While the vehicle delivered by post 2019 was launched with the HSRP number plate, it is the responsibility of the state government to ensure that older vehicles are enhanced to HSRP.
He also threw the Department of Motorcycle Vehicle Kerala which still issued a paperback registration certificate and directed a temporary license while other countries had moved to a smart card.
Members of the National Street Safety Board also added that he met the minister to transport Antony Raju here and personally submit bandinganya to implement the system quickly.
If the state government still causes delays in accordance with the court order, he will file a litigation of public interest before the state court, Soi, who is also an internationally recognized road safety expert, said here during a press conference.

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