Repairs that are expected as SPCA take over the Blandewadi animal shelter – News2IN
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Repairs that are expected as SPCA take over the Blandewadi animal shelter

Repairs that are expected as SPCA take over the Blandewadi animal shelter
Written by news2in

Nagpur: For the first time, animal shelter in Banhandewadi will be run by the community for prevention of cruelty of animals (SPKA).
The move occurred after several years from the government and private institutions failed to improve the conditions of a sad shelter.
The decision was taken after the problem was raised during a recent meeting of various SPCs from various cities.
“Until now, the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) will call for tenders and give responsibility for carrying out shelter to NGOs or women’s independent groups.
In a recent meeting, we appealed to senior officials to hand over to SPCA,” said Senior Sport Members and Welfare Activists Karishma Galani.
Although the SPKA authorization process to run the civic body shelter challenged, it has been successfully carried out.
Toi learned that on Friday three doctors were also appointed at the shelter.
A group of residents of various layers of society also gathered to bear the cost of shelter, until the funds were given to the public.
“People contribute to various forms – some provide rice, some care costs, or salaries of workers.
Until now, shelter in sad conditions without cleanliness and no medical care and proper treatment,” said Galani.
Since the last few years, TOI has reported about the condition of a poor shelter.
Various complaints and protests also occur in this regard.
Now, with SPCA take over, animal lovers expect conditions to be improved.
“We plan to create the right infrastructure at the shelter.
The surgeon will also be appointed to operate,” said Galani.
If things fall in place, a Gaushala might also appear in Blandewadi.
Lately, threats because the increasing population of wild dogs also leads to human-animal conflicts.
Some cases not only bite dogs but brutal cruelty to animals also appears.
In this case, the SPCA plans to start an animal birth control operation immediately.
“Controlling the population of dogs in the city has become important.
These problems arise because stretched sterilization is stopped during a pandemic.
SPCA will immediately ensure that the operation will begin,” Galani added.
Another agenda of the committee also includes ensuring a license for every pet shop, controlling illegal breeding, ensuring scientific implementation of sterilization, preventing cases of cruelty of animals, and facilities for animal welfare.

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