Religious leaders urge the UN KTT to improve the climate crisis – News2IN
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Religious leaders urge the UN KTT to improve the climate crisis

Religious leaders urge the UN KTT to improve the climate crisis
Written by news2in

Rome: Religious leaders including Pope Francis and World Sunni Islamic scholars issued a request on Monday for the coming UN climate conference to act boldly against global warming.
“The future generation will never forgive us if we lose the opportunity to protect the house with us.
We have inherited the park: we may not leave the desert to our children,” they said.
The appeal was presented on faith and science: against the COP26 conference hung by the Vatican in Rome ahead of the two-week landmark COP26 summit which began on October 31 at Glasgow, Scotland.
“We begged the international community, gathering in COP26, to take action quickly, responsible and share to maintain, restore and cure our injured humanity and home entrusted to our management,” he added.
The climate change expert includes Hoesung Lee, the Chairperson of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), also participated in the Vatican Conference and supporting the appeal.
In the written note to the participant, the Pope said: “COP26 in Glasgow represents an urgent call to provide an effective response to an unprecedented ecological crisis and the crisis of values ​​that we currently experience.” Pope Mostly left the podium to other guests to make a speech, including the Grand Imam from the Al-Azhar Mosque and Sheikh University Ahmed Al-Tayeb, and Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, Spiritual Leader of Orthodox Christian Bartholempia which was called an appeal -Signed “symbolic gesture Strong “comes from” dialogue between all religions in the world, united in their commitment to preserve the beauty and integrity of God’s creation “.
Last month, Francis, Bartholomew and Archbishop Force Canterbury Justin Welby – who also attended a Monday conference – issued another request called “to everyone, whatever their trust or worldview, to try to listen to Earth’s call”.
Less than one month from the COP26 climate summit, world leaders are under an unprecedented pressure to bring their economy closer and map the humanitarian path of global warming disaster.
But with a pandemic still raging in parts of the world and with countries it has been hit by climate-based disaster begging for help, negotiations in Glasgow are likely to be full of.

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