Panel members were told to prove Edu’s qualification – News2IN
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Panel members were told to prove Edu’s qualification

Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: Lok Ayukta’s division bench consisting of Lok Ayankta Cyria Joseph and Upa Lok Ayukta Harun-Ul-Rashid has asked members of the State Women’s Commission Shahida Kamal to produce a record of his education qualification.
Lok Ayukta asked Kamal to produce his notes after recognizing complaints by Akhila Khan, a native of Thiruvananthapuram, who said in a complaint that the title of a female commission member was false and he had misled the other people by claiming that he held his doctorate and the prefix with “Dr.
In his complaint before Lok Ayukta, a complainant said that the International Open University that Kamal had claimed to be a fake university, and he also did not qualify to be awarded a doctorate because he had failed in the past year.
Through his actions, Kamal has deceived people and state governments to obtain profits that do not meet the requirements, said complaints.
The next complainant said that because he did not have honesty, which was the minimum qualification needed to hold a post like a member of the female commission, he must be removed from the post.
Criminal cases must also be registered with it, and the investigation must be done.
All benefits received by Kamal from the government, including their honor, must be restored.
The complainant also prayed that the Secretary of the Department of Social Justice, who had behaved to publish Kamal’s false education qualification on the state government website, must also be punished.
The previous complainant approached the police with complaints, but then approached Lok Ayankta after the police did not take any action.
Lok Ayukta will consider the case again on November 25.

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