Spanish volcano eruption closes the airport, the area is still ‘tense’ – News2IN

Spanish volcano eruption closes the airport, the area is still ‘tense’

Spanish volcano eruption closes the airport, the area is still 'tense'
Written by news2in

MADRID: The airport on La Palma Spain Island is closed again Thursday because the boosphere of the volcano has erupted for almost three weeks.
Scientists say the course of the eruption cannot be predicted.
It settled in the last few days, but the volcano in the Canary Islands continued to spit out lava, and 16 earthquakes until Magnitude 3.5 shook the area for the previous 24 hours, said the National Geographical Institute.
Lava has forced to evacuate more than 6,000 people and destroy more than 600 homes.
While cloud while closed La Palma airport last month.
Officials say liquid stones from craters are now flowing down called lava tubes under previous lava, straight to the sea.
It has to ease the concern it can spread wider and cause more destruction.
The German research center for Geosciences, which sent the team to La Palma, said the lava flow was 6,300 meters (6,900 yards) width, more than 1,000 meters (1,100 yards) wide at the widest point, and up to 25 meters (82 feet)) thick.
Central volcanic researcher, Thomas Walter, said the situation was still tense and unpredictable.
“It’s too early to say …
how this eruption will develop,” he said in a statement.
Evacuations that quickly help avoid victims of eruptions, and most of the islands of around 85,000 people are not affected.
The volcanic Canary Islands lay on the northwest coast of Africa.

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