India requires an emission inventory to find out the results of air pollution control steps: Study – News2IN
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India requires an emission inventory to find out the results of air pollution control steps: Study

India requires an emission inventory to find out the results of air pollution control steps: Study
Written by news2in

Nagpur: India needs to develop and maintain a comprehensive baseline emissions inventory to ascertain whether policy intervention and technology can reduce air pollution, the latest study was released on Tuesday by the Energy Council, the Environment and Water (CEE).
Having a comparative analysis of existing high-resolution inventories, this study found that existing estimates for state emissions vary by up to 37% for pollutants that are considered – Material Particulate (PM2.5 and PM10), Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) and carbon monoxide (CO).
The Ceep study considers the emissions of the industry, power plants, road transportation, domestic sources and burning of agricultural waste, which accounts for around 95% of all coheria loading pollutants emitted.
This analysis also stollates significant variations in sectoral estimates.
“For example, contributions from the housing sector found varied from 27% to 50% of the total PM2.5 emissions in this country.
The electricity sector was found as the main source – around 44% to 62% – from SO2 emissions.
Most of the estimates mentioned above Also pointing to the electricity sector as the main emitter of Nox, “the study.
Furthermore found that Uttar Pradesh was the main emitter of PM2.5 because of the use of solid fuel in the household.
These followed by other countries including Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Odisha as the highest producer of PM2.5 emissions, although with high variations.
Stating that the industry and power contributed significantly to many pollutants, leading the program in the CEE and the lead author of the study, Tanushree Ganguly, said: “Policy makers must focus on reducing emissions from these two sources priority.
To meet the national clean air program target (NCAP ) 20-30% Reduction of Particle Concentration In 2024, we need to estimate the reduction of emissions needed throughout the sector.
Estimating this reduction will only occur when we have an official emission inventory, representatives for India.
“This study recommends that the development of national emissions databases will require consistency in the method and source of data that will be adopted to calculate the annual increase or decrease in emissions.
“The government department needs to collaborate with each other to renew the estimated emissions regularly.
The central pollution control board must collaborate with the National Knowledge Network (NKN) to develop a comprehensive emission factor database, which will consist of sector and regional special emissions factors,” he added .
Karthik Ganesan, colleagues and Directors – Research Coordination, CEE, said: “For starters, India must create a comprehensive and consistent energy balance in a country and the state level to explain the use of cross-sectoral and informal energy use.
This is the main input for The process of creating emissions databases.
A collection of efficient and periodic data from rural households, industry, MSMEs, and other parts of our informal economy are needed to better understand their contribution to pollution in certain regions.
“Ganeshan ASLO said that scientific institutions must prioritize creation Emission factors that represent local conditions, technology and maintenance practices.
What studies are said – India needs to develop an inventory of baseline emissions – existing estimates for emissions vary by 37% for pollutants – Uttar Pradesh leads the emitter of PM2.5, followed by Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Odisha – the leading source of electricity sector pollution

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