XI China called for peaceful reunification with Taiwan – News2IN
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XI China called for peaceful reunification with Taiwan

XI China called for peaceful reunification with Taiwan
Written by news2in

Taipei, Taiwan: Chinese leader Xi Jinping said the reunification of Saturday with Taiwan must occur and will occur peacefully, despite the ratcheting-up of the Chinese threat to attack the island.
XI spoke to the official celebration in the Beijing Great Hall of people who mostly focused on the need for the powerful Communist Party to continue to lead China when the country increased in power and influence.
“Runification of the nation must be realized, and will definitely be realized,” Xi said.
“Reunification through a peaceful way is the most in line with the overall interests of the Chinese nations, including Taiwanese compatriots.” The celebration respects the 110th anniversary of the Chinese Revolution in 1911 which leads to the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty and the establishment of the Chinese Republic led by Sun Yat-sen.
October 10 is celebrated in Taiwan as National Day and address XI is touched on general aspirations for a united future, although there are striking differences between the system of one authoritarian authoritarian China and multi-party democracy that is lively Taiwan.
XI’s statement came just a few days after the Chinese military sent a number of military aircraft flying towards Taiwan in training that the island that was ordered itself had been called threat.
For four days, starting last week, the People’s Liberation Army flied fighter jets, bombers and early air warpatives 149 times to Taiwan, with the largest maneuver involving 52 jets at once.
Taiwan and China separated in 1949 amid the civil war, with the ruling nationalist party fled to the island when the Communist Mao Zedong swept in power in the land.
Since then, Taiwan has been governed himself, but his sovereignty was rejected by Beijing, who had refused to leave the option using the power to carry the island under control.
Beijing also strives to isolate Taiwan internationally by prohibiting it from the United Nations and other international organizations and oppose official contacts between the government and countries that recognize China, especially the United States, who are legally bound to consider threats to Taipei, “great concern”.
“Taiwan separatism is the biggest obstacle to reuniting the homeland,” added Xi, told those who advocated for independence, “condemned by history”.

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