Head of the UN atomic body to visit Iran as an uncertain Nuke talk – News2IN
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Head of the UN atomic body to visit Iran as an uncertain Nuke talk

Head of the UN atomic body to visit Iran as an uncertain Nuke talk
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: Head of the UN Atom Watchdog plans to visit Iran before the end of next month amid questions about whether Iran will return to negotiations that aim to revive the 2015 2015 nuclear agreement.
The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency Rafael Grossi said Tuesday that he intended to visit Tehran “Immediately” to discuss and hopefully resolve special problems about Iran’s nuclear program.
Iran violated several aspects of the 2015 agreement which IAEA charged with monitoring and had suspended several other cooperation elements with supervisors.
During a visit to Washington, Grossi told reporters that he hoped to go to Iran before the next meeting of the IAEA governors at the end of November.
Some countries encourage the council to condemn Iran’s nuclear activity, including violations of nuclear transactions known as a shared comprehensive action plan or JCPOA.
Grossi, who met on Monday with the Secretary of State Antony Blinken, will not predict whether the IAEA council will take such action, saying it will depend on what Iran has in the meantime.
“I think it will all depend on what happened from the third week of November.
So many things will happen,” Grossi said, referring to the upcoming visit and the potential to resume nuclear talks, which had stopped since June.
Grossi’s visit to Tehran has not been scheduled but the comment comes when the world’s power increases the pressure on Iran to return to the conversation intended to bring Iran and the United States to return to the agreement.
Since the former President Donald Trump draws M.S.
From the nuclear agreement and start the “maximum pressure” campaign in Iran by increasing severe sanctions, Tehran has blew the uranium enrichment limit and the use of uranium centrifugal.
In addition, the IAEA surveillance camera at at least one sensitive nuclear site has been dismantled, destroyed or damaged.
After the last visit of Grossi to Tehran in September, Iran has agreed to allow the IAEA inspector to install a new memory card on the camera concerned but the method and time of the step have not been resolved.
At that time, Grossi called the “Stopparap” measure agreement that must be increased.
IAEA said his activities had been “damaged seriously” since February by Iran’s refusal to let inspectors access their monitoring equipment.
The Iranian new hardline government led by the Ebrahim President of Relisi, who came to power in August, has signaled it will return to nuclear talks in Vienna but has refused to set a date.
Meanwhile, it has called for temporary meetings with the European Union and the other parties left for the agreement in Brussels before committing.
Last week, the United States and their closest partners increased the pressure on Iran to return to Vienna talks, warned that it would face greater international isolation, new economic punishment and possibly military action if not.
In a series of high-level diplomatic meetings, A.S., European officials, Israel and Arabic agreed to the need to explain to Iran that the continued resistance to rejoining with talks in Vienna would not be ignored or left not punished.
Consensus came amidst that the growing concern that Tehran was not serious to return to negotiations.
It also came as Biden administration, which has made rejoining with approval as a priority in the first months of the office, and the other becomes increasingly pessimistic about the prospect of negotiations even if they do a resume.

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