Towards his meeting, Fatf has enough evidence for Pakistan blacklisters – News2IN
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Towards his meeting, Fatf has enough evidence for Pakistan blacklisters

Towards his meeting, Fatf has enough evidence for Pakistan blacklisters
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Pakistani and IMF talks that fail on Sunday, before the financial session of the end of the Financial Action (FATF) will be held from October 19, not good news for Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan who has been in Loggerheads with strong military establishments Problems with the appointment of the Head of Contents.
In accordance with the IMF 2019 agreement, the Government Imran Khan has approved the mention of formal money in the document, so that it connects the IMF tranches directly into the financial action group (FATF).
Pakistan, which was on the gray list of Fatf since 2018, was given three months in June this year to fulfill the conditions left in October.
The FATF plenary will be held in Paris from October 19-21.
The latest US Congress reports on terrorism and other militant groups in Pakistan “, said that at least 12 groups appointed as” foreign terrorist organizations “by the US were based on Pakistan, including five based in India.
In accordance with US administration, Islamabad continues to remain Basic operations for many non-state militant groups, many with global reach.
Citing the report, the US State Department has shown that Pakistan remains a safe place for terrorism even though it is claimed to be contradictory.
Although promises made for the international community about taking action Against Terrorist groups, Pakistan has not taken action on terrorist groups and their protection places.
Last week, Biden administration reduced bilateral relations with Pakistan to play double in the war against terrorism.
On the one hand Pakistan should be US allies in “war.
Fight terror “.
But simultaneously, it helped the takeover of the Afghan Taliban.
Because the Taliban came to power in mid-August, Pakistan has spoken in public about the future recognition of the Taliban government, which has a close relationship with Pakistani military intelligence services, content.
When the report shows Pakistan has become a classical hybrid state with the military and militants that affect their countries and actions.
Former US National Security Adviser HR McMaster told us that the US must hold Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan responsible for some of his comments after the fall of Kabul in August and that Pakistan must be widely faced with international isolation because it is “support for Jihadist terrorists” .
“Given that Washington always saw Pakistan as the main sponsor of Taliban, his insistence to ask Pakistan to control Haqqanis has created many complications for Islamabad,” said a Pakistani journalist who added great sanctions in Pakistan.
Quoting the report, Fabien Baussart, founder and the central president of political and foreign affairs written at the time of Israel, that FATF also had to impose evidence collected by various countries the role of Pakistan in helping militant groups, the Taliban, from overthrow the elected government in Afghanistan.
The Pakistani Association with global terrorist clothing such as the Haqqani network, known as a hosting group like Al Qaeda, needs to be carried in the note.
“Fatf will fail in his duty if he delayed Pakistan’s blacklist for his terrorist sponsor,” warned Baussart.
In the last meeting held in June, Fatf decided to keep Pakistan on the gray list and asked him to demand and target senior leaders of the designated terrorist groups.

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