Salahuddin Sheikh was influenced by Zakir Riding: Police – News2IN
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Salahuddin Sheikh was influenced by Zakir Riding: Police

Salahuddin Sheikh was influenced by Zakir Riding: Police
Written by news2in

Vadodara: Racquet Conversion Hawala and Religion Defendant Salahuddin Sheikh was influenced by Zakir’s speech rising which escaped from India in 2016.
During his interrogation, Sheikh told the special investigation team on Tuesday that he had attended a peace conference intended by rising.
In 2007 in Mumbai.
“Sheikh said that he was influenced by a speech rising.
We asked him whether he met up but he refused.
We tried to ascertain whether he had touched by going up,” said a member member.
Up ordered for money laundering and hated speeches in India after he escaped from the country.
India’s authority tried to extradite Him from Malaysia where he currently lives.
Both Umar Gautam and Sheikh said that they also sent around Rs 5 Lakh to a man identified as Shabbir in Jammu and Kashmir.
“They said that the money was sent to help poor people but we verified if they committed terror funding.
Hawala’s money was also sent to West Bengal and Assam for helping Rohingya Muslims,” ​​the police said.
Duo told the researchers that crores from the rupee they received through Hawala funds were sent to Malegaon, Malda, Nepal, Assam, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Kerala in the last five years.
Sheikh received more than Rs 60 Crore through Hawala and other RS ​​19 Crore from British citizens Abullah Fefdawala who had also been sent by the police.
“Umar said that he had repented around 10 people including three women in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi,” revealed researchers who questioned the duo after they were taken to town three days ago.
Both were accused of running a religious conversion racket and was arrested by the Uttar Pradesh police a few months ago.
Sheikh runs AFMI Trust in the city and the police said that he used trust as a front to wash money.

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