Just inhuman, anupama had to return the baby: brinda rust – News2IN
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Just inhuman, anupama had to return the baby: brinda rust

Just inhuman, anupama had to return the baby: brinda rust
Written by news2in

ThiruvananThapuram: CPM member Politbiro Brinda Karat said Anupama was rejected justice and inhuman to take the child forcefully from a mother.
The rust reaction came even when Anupama was in a hunger strike in front of the Secretariat on Saturday.
“It’s just inhuman.
There is no doubt about it.
This is a complicated case because it’s been a year since the baby was taken away.
The mother who has adopted the baby clearly considers her baby as her.
The adoption law is also very strict.
This is a tragedy of the proportion Extraordinary.
As far as regarding rights and morality, there is no doubt that what happened was truly wrong and Anupama had to get his baby back, “he told media people in New Delhi.
Meanwhile, Secretary of the State Acting CPM A Vijayaraghavan rejected the allegations that Anupama’s baby was taken from him with knowledge of the leadership of the CPM district.
He said the party would only hope for Anupama’s reunion with his son.
“CPM will not justify or support any error.
These problems must be legally resolved.
The party cannot intervene in such things,” he said.
The CPM leader PK Sreemathi, who claimed to be in the knowledge of Anupama, said he did not receive complaints from Anupama, but knowing about the development when Brinda Rust told him about it.
“Parties and the government have clarified their covenants in this case.
I have no more to be added,” he said.

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