Sri Lanka prohibits contaminated Chinese fertilizer – News2IN
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Sri Lanka prohibits contaminated Chinese fertilizer

Sri Lanka prohibits contaminated Chinese fertilizer
Written by news2in

Colombo: Sri Lanka has banged Chinese ships carrying organic fertilizers that are needed that experts are found stained with harmful bacteria, said the officials said.
The action came when Sri Lanka attacked food shortages caused by a currency crisis while farmers said the government’s ban on chemical fertilizers could damage their yields this year.
President Gotabaya’s Office Rajapaksa said the National Plant Quarantine Service had tested the sample of the Chinese ship which was not named and “confirmed the existence of organisms, including certain types of harmful bacteria”.
The Commercial High Court has banned payments for Qingdao Seawin Biotech Group Co., Ltd.
for 96,000 tons of fertilizer, an official statement added.
The authorities stopped the $ 42 million deal last month, but the report said the cargo was still sent and matured in Colombo.
The location of the ship has not been revealed.
The Sri Lankan ports authority said the Ministry of Agriculture ordered them on Saturday to prevent fertilizer demolition in each port and to look away from Chinese ships.
Sri Lanka initially ordered organic fertilizer from China as part of its efforts to become 100 percent of the world’s first organic farming country.
Organic plant nutrition from China is intended to replace phase-out chemicals during the main rice planting season which began October 15.
After the vast protest of agrochemical farmers will critically achieve results, the government last week raised the prohibition of chemical fertilizers to be implemented in May.
Since it has imported 30,000 tons of potassium chloride as fertilizer and around three million liters of nitrogen-based plant nutrition from India.
Tea Farmers – Main export commodities along with rice – have warned of crops can be halved without chemicals.

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