Closer defense partnerships between England, India supports deeper economic bonds, safety: British foreign secretary – News2IN
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Closer defense partnerships between England, India supports deeper economic bonds, safety: British foreign secretary

Closer defense partnerships between England, India supports deeper economic bonds, safety: British foreign secretary
Written by news2in

Mumbai: HMS Queen Elizabeth Carrier-LED Carrier-LED Port Group Stop Maja Maja in Mumbai is the tilt of Indo-Pacific England in the action, the British foreign Secretary said Truss on Saturday during his visit to India.
The minister, who arrived in Mumbai from New Delhi, said that his visit was intended to establish stronger security and defense relations with India, the world’s largest democracy, as an important part of the English Indo-Pacific strategy.
“Closer defense and security partnerships between Britain and India support deeper economic bonds and make both countries, and broader areas, safer.
We need to protect our oceans and trade routes and, operate from power positions, become harsh Towards defending our interests and challenging unfair practices, “Liz Truss said in a statement.
“We need to protect our sea routes and trade and, operate from the position of strength, be hard in maintaining our interest and challenging unfair practices.
The arrival of the carrier strike group in India this weekend represents the slope of the English Indo-Pacific in the UK in action,” he said.
“This is a true symbol of global Britain, working closely with the same-minded partners like India,” Truss added.
According to the statement of the British government, the ship was the spearhead of the Carrier Strike Group (CSG), a symbol of the world’s leading defense capabilities in the UK, whose visits to Mumbai were a clear sign of the British maritime defense and cooperative that grew up with India.
While in India CSG took part in the most demanding training that was ever done between Britain and India, involving three military services.
During his visit in Mumbai, a foreign secretary was scheduled to advance to speak to improve defense and security relations and improve strategic cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.
This visit will advance a shared job agreed upon by the British Prime Minister and the Indian Prime Minister Modi at Landmark 2030 Roadmap on maritime security, Cyber ​​security and counter-terrorism signed earlier this year, the statement said.
He will also discuss the development of innovative security and defense with the Indian government to overcome joint threats and will speak through the strengthening of trading related defense between the two countries.
The Foreign Secretary wants to strengthen such relationships with a rapidly growing economy and the same-minded partners in the region and build a “network of freedom” throughout the world.
The foreign secretary saw India as an important thing in ensuring free, open, inclusive and prosperous Indo-Pacific.
He will join Queen Elizabeth’s carrier in the sea to get around the ship and observe direct training involving UK and US F35B combat jets, according to the statement.
Defense Chief of Defense Sir Nick Carter also visited Mumbai to see the carrier strike group in action.
He joined his Indian partner, Bipin was treated in Delhi to discuss regional security and placed a warning bouquet at the National War Museum.
In that statement, Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said: “The partnership that is reinforced with India is the main pillar of the British slope to the Indo-Pacific.
Our aircraft strike group visits represent important steps towards our goal of building maritime partnerships with India In the Indian Ocean.
“The Secretary of the Foreign Secretary will also visit the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in Mumbai today to put a bouquet of flowers in the memorial for those who were killed in a 2008 terrorist attack.
At night today, Truss is scheduled to welcome senior business leaders and guests from the world Education, Film, Sports and Politics to Defender HMS, Destruction Type 45, in which Britain will show off leading technology and innovation in its world, health, science and climate.

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